Wednesday, August 30, 2023


"Dad, I have prepared a bag for you and
Will apply after eating the second meal. If you want to keep something else, remind me." Siya said while serving food to her father-in-law.
"Yes son, there is no hurry, take it easy, do it tomorrow morning. You must be tired today, you go to sleep."
Jawahar had retired from the Electricity Department only three years back. After his retirement, every year he used to spend few months of summer in Haridwar with his wife.
Had bought a small house there so there was no problem of accommodation. When he lived in Haridwar, every day both husband and wife would walk half a kilometer, reach the ghat, bathe in the Ganges and return home on foot after visiting the temple. In the evening, sometimes he used to participate in bhajan kirtan and sometimes in the aarti of some temple. The rest of his life was devoted to the worship of God and at the feet of Ganga Maiya.
When they lived in their city, every day both husband and wife would go for a walk in the park and then return after visiting the temple. In the evening, when two or four friends of Jawahar ji would gather, there would be a discussion of religion and philosophy.
Son Akash also worked in the electrical department and Siya was taking care of the household chores with a maid. There was never any shortage of money, everything was going well.
Next day Jawahar ji had to leave for Haridwar at ten in the morning, so he went to sleep soon after having dinner. The wife also started collecting her small essentials and putting them in another bag.
"Siya..... Siya son! Look, I can't find my new glasses..." Mother-in-law called Siya.
Siya was talking to someone on the phone in her room. Akash had gone for a walk after having food.
Siya's mother-in-law went towards her room after shouting two or three times. Her throat was full. The phone was of a neighbor girl living in Siya's Pehr.
"What shall I do Uma, I cannot keep Dadi with me at my in-laws house." Siya was sharing her problems with Uma over the phone. "I don't know how my mother-in-law and father-in-law would feel, on the other hand my heart starts crying after hearing the pitiable condition of grandmother. What should I do, I don't understand anything."
Siya's mother had passed away in Siya's childhood. Now Siya's grandmother and father were the only ones in the house. The responsibility of bringing up Anuj and Kamal, two brothers older than Siya and Siya, fell on the grandmother. The trend of grandmother following her religious ideology has now moved towards motherless children. Raised all three with great love. Since Siya was the youngest, grandmother used to make her sleep near her. The name Siya was also given by Dadi.
As everyone was growing up, grandmother was getting weaker. Anuj and Kamal got married. Now the search for a groom for Siya has been started. Meanwhile, Siya's father also left the world. Grandma was broken by this shock. Siya's father and Jawaharji were familiar with each other. Jawahar ji went to Siya's house to condole after getting the information of his friend's death.
A son's friend is also like a son. So Siya's grandmother asked Jawahar to find a good family for Siya.
"Amma," said Jawaharji to Siya's grandmother, "if I take Siya home as my daughter.....?...My son Akash also works in the Electricity Department. He has a good salary and a secure job." If Siya goes to my house then our house will be bright.
Grandma didn't say anything, she just silently kept reading Jawahar ji's face.
"There is no hurry, after consulting daughter-in-law and children, tell them. I will wait."
“Whom to consult and whom to consult!” Said the grandmother with a sad heart. It seems that both the daughters-in-law are sitting ready to avoid trouble. Don't know what is written in my destiny, first the husband left me alone at a young age, then the daughter-in-law left and now the son also cheated. My life is drying up worrying about it. Still, I have to ask.
"Yes Amma, ok, I will come again soon" Jawahar came back to his house.
After a few days, Siya came to Jawaharji's house as Akash's wife.
But the condition of the grandmother, who spent her whole life in the upbringing of her children, turned from bad to worse. Anuj and Kamal no longer even go to Dadi's. The wives of both also do not talk directly. At the age of eighty, the body was reduced to a mere structure. Still, Dadi would complete her daily activities and worship with the help of a stick.
Grandmother's cot was taken to the verandah outside the house where the fan used to throw less air and more flames in the summer days, some daughter-in-law used to give food early in the morning and late in the evening and then no one came near to know her condition. Victim of insult and neglect, grandmother never told her mind to anyone.
Once Siya had a lot of argument with her sisters-in-law regarding her grandmother.
"Yes yes... We don't care at all, now you have come as a well-wisher. For the last two years you were the one coming to feed us, otherwise we were starving." Both the sisters-in-law sat on Siya. . " We also understand your hollow sympathy very well. Your eyes are on grandmother's land and bank account, why don't you tell directly. If you are really worried about Dadi, then why don't you take her with you..." Siya returned to her home in a huff with her mouth open. And today, after a month, Uma's phone call informed Siya about Dadi's deteriorating condition. Conscience became sad.
Hearing mother-in-law's voice, Siya wiped her tears and found glasses and gave them away. The expressions of sadness were clearly visible on the face.
The next morning, Jawahar ji got out of his car to go to Haridwar, and waving his hand over Siya's head, said, "Don't worry, we will be back soon."
Saying goodbye to his parents, Akash went to his office and Siya started doing her household chores.
Siya was surprised to hear the familiar sound of the car outside the house in the evening. The sound was like that of my car. When Siya came out and saw the tresses spread on her face backwards, she was shocked.
It was Jawaharji who was waiting for the gate to open.
"Father you... back....?. You then... Haridwar...? "
"Yes son, both of us have come back, now there is no need to go to Haridwar, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Kashi Mathura Vrindavan, I have brought all the pilgrimage places to your home. Forever " Jawahar ji opened the back door of the car and entered. Pointed towards
Grandmother was sitting with mother-in-law. Siya burst into tears on seeing this. He ran and took Dadi in his lap.
"If we go on pilgrimage leaving our elders in sad and pitiable condition..." Mother-in-law said consoling Siya, "..then what kind of pilgrimage and what kind of virtuous religion?"
"And what kind of Ganga bath? Now our home is our place of pilgrimage Siya." Jawahar ji took down the bag from the car and said, "And it is your responsibility to keep this place of pilgrimage sacred."
"Gods and Goddesses would not be living in temples, they would be living in homes only." Grandmother said to Siya in her broken voice and took Siya's support and entered the house.

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