Wednesday, September 13, 2023


A king needed a servant for himself. His minister presented a capable person to the king after two days. The king made him his servant but later said to the minister, "Although this man is fine, his appearance is not good." The minister found this strange but remained silent.
Once during the summer season, the king asked the servant to bring water. The servant brought water in a golden vessel. When the king drank the water, it felt a little hot to drink. The king rinsed it and threw it away. He said, “Such hot water, that too in this summer season, you don't even understand this much.” The minister was watching all this. The minister asked the servant to bring water in an earthen vessel. The king felt satisfied after drinking this water.
On this the minister said, “Maharaj, look within, not outside.” The gold vessel is beautiful, valuable and good, but it does not have the quality of providing coolness. Earthen pot is very simple but it has the ability to make one cool. Don't look at the mere appearance, look at the qualities.'' From that day the king's perspective changed.
The character gets the right to get respect, prestige, fame and reverence, not the face. Chanakya has said that a man becomes good by his qualities and not by sitting on a high seat or by title. Just like a crow remains a crow even after sitting on the top of a tall palace; Doesn't become Garuda. Similarly, indelible beauty shines through the purity of the mind, because beauty is not just a presentation of appearance, features, gait, lifestyle and thinking style. It is the mirror of a person's mind, thoughts, thinking and actions. Many people look beautiful from outside but are very ugly from inside. Whereas there are people who are not beautiful from outside but the purity of their feelings is so much within them that their personality becomes magnetic. There is a big difference between being beautiful and looking.
Your character is your biggest quality.

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