Thursday, August 3, 2023


A man was carrying a net towards the river early in the morning. On reaching near the river, he realized that the sun had not fully risen yet. He started walking merrily in the thick darkness.
Then his leg hit the bag. Curiously, when he put his hand in the bag, he found that it was full of very big shiny stones. To pass the time, he took out one stone from his bag and threw it into the river. Slowly he threw many stones of the bag into the river, when the last stone was in his hand only then the sunlight spread on the earth.
In the sunlight, he saw that the last stone left in his hand was shining very brightly. He was stunned to see the brightness of that stone. Because it was not a stone but a precious diamond. He realized that by now he had thrown stones worth crores into the river. He started crying bitterly.
Seeing the last stone left in his hand, he was cursing the darkness. He was sitting mournfully on the bank of the river when a Mahatma passed by. Knowing his sorrow, he said - Don't cry son, you are still lucky. It is your good luck that the sunlight burst before you could throw the last stone, otherwise this stone too would have slipped out of your hands. This one precious diamond can also decorate your life.
Instead of crying over what has gone out of hand, you should celebrate what is in your hands. After listening to Mahatma, his eyes opened and he happily returned home. Instead of looking at what has passed, let's see what can happen next.
Education :- Instead of crying about what has gone out of hand, one should celebrate what is in hand and think about the future....

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