Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Once upon a time a king had no children, age was passing by...
Took a lot of efforts, showed it to many doctors, but the result was nothing.
The king started worrying as to who would take over the throne after me.
The king thought of a solution, got a new palace built inside the palace, got a formula of algebra written on its main gate...
And it was announced throughout the state that whoever solves this formula, after that this door will open.
He will be the master of this palace and the successor of the kingdom.
Now big mathematicians and scholars from all over the state started arriving but no one could solve that formula.
The worry of the king started increasing. After a few days, those who tried stopped coming.
The king got the drum beat in the nearby states also, the temptation was good, many people started coming, but the formula was not solved by anyone.
Gradually people came less, one day only two people arrived, one of them was a mathematician and an ordinary young man,
Seeing the dilapidated clothes of the young man, the gatekeepers got angry and started driving him away - "You won't be able to, go."
When the king saw the young man was stopped, the king said, "First the young man should be given an opportunity."
The young man said that first give a chance to a learned person only, if he cannot do it then he will try.
The king said okay, you take the seat.
That mathematician kept trying till evening but nothing happened.
Now the young man was called, the young man went and pushed the door with his hand, the door opened.
The palace resounded with the sound of clapping.
The king asked, "How did you do it?"
The young man said that when the learned men were struggling the whole day, then I thought that it may also be that it is not an algebraic formula at all.
And it must have been written on the door to test intelligence."
Many times in life we all struggle with some problem while it is not a problem at all...!!

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