Saturday, August 5, 2023


9×1= 9
9×2 =18
9×3 =27
9×4 =36
9×5 =45
9×6 =54
9×7 =63
9×8 =72
9×9 = 81
When I saw the children after writing, the children were laughing at the teacher because the last line was wrong.
Then the teacher said:
"I misspelled the last line on purpose
Because I want to teach you all something very important.
The world will treat you like this..!
You can see that I have written correctly above 9 times but no one has praised me..??
And you people laughed at my only one mistake and called me wrong too "!! It is right to call wrong wrong but...!!
This is a tip...
The world will never appreciate your lakhs of good deeds, but will definitely criticize even one mistake you make.
This is a bitter truth!!!
That's why be happy while walking on the right path, be happy while humming --
"Kuch to log kahenge...
it is the job of the people to say...
Secondly, what will people say, if we start thinking about it,
then what will they do.

Friday, August 4, 2023


On her sixty-fifth birthday, Subhadra ji wanted to go to an old age home in that city and distribute some clothes and sweets…
When he told his son, he said, "Mother, you are asking me to do all this at the new place, I myself have come here two months ago, I will tell you after finding out, then you will leave."
On the second day, the son reached an old age home with Subhadra ji, there suddenly she stopped seeing a woman while talking nicely by giving things in everyone's hands.
Disheveled hair… no sense of clothes..
don't know in what thoughts she was lost. Her face seemed a bit familiar, so she started asking one of the staff there about that woman.
“Hey, that Gayatri Aunty belongs to a very rich family..
but son and daughter-in-law do not ask her… she has left here, never even comes to see…
she just remains silent, if you talk about something, she will speak only one thing, you will pay as you do.”
Hearing his name, Subhadra ji ran and hugged her and said, “Friend, how are you here…
your big bungalow…
where has all the love gone? ,
Gayatri ji could never forget this voice of her childhood friend…
hugging and crying, “You will pay as you will….
It is true that in my wealth I used to persecute big people…
I didn't understand anyone who came to my mind and used to listen to me silently…
even the children used to be scared….
Husband says this habit is not good, but I never heard of anyone…
I could not give my children any sanskar, nor time…
I always used to tell lies on every point…
When the daughter-in-law came,
she was engaged in humiliating her and after the death of my husband,
when I Sick, helpless, son and daughter-in-law started telling me lies…
those whom I never gave time, where would they give me time…
Service was a distant thing, they brought me here…
Now they boast of money…
I am sitting here I am passing the day to go up.” Helpless Gayatri ji said.
Subhadra ji could not say anything, she was right in saying...
you will pay as you do.

Thursday, August 3, 2023


Once two different men set out on a journey. Both met, both had the same destination, so both went together in the journey.
When the time came for both of them to separate after seven days, one said: Brother! We were together for a week. Do you recognize me?
The other said: No, I did not recognize him.
The first passenger said: Sir, I am a famous thug but you are a great thug. You also turned out to be my teacher.
Another passenger said: How?
Passenger 1: I searched you continuously for seven days in the hope of finding something, but I could not find anything.
After living together for so long, I have come to know that you are a very rich person and have gone on such a big journey, so how can it be that you have nothing? But you are completely empty handed!
Passenger 2: I have a precious diamond and also a few silver coins.
The first passenger said: Then why didn't I get him despite so much effort?
Passenger 2: Whenever I used to go out, he used to put the diamond and coins in your bag and you kept rummaging through my bag for seven days.
You didn't even understand the need to take care of your bundle, then from where do you get anything......??
God always puts new happiness in our pocket but we don't have time to look at our bundle, this is everyone's basic problem.
From the day a person stops looking at others, from that moment all his problems will be solved.
Feel Your Bale!
The biggest secret mantra of life is


A man was carrying a net towards the river early in the morning. On reaching near the river, he realized that the sun had not fully risen yet. He started walking merrily in the thick darkness.
Then his leg hit the bag. Curiously, when he put his hand in the bag, he found that it was full of very big shiny stones. To pass the time, he took out one stone from his bag and threw it into the river. Slowly he threw many stones of the bag into the river, when the last stone was in his hand only then the sunlight spread on the earth.
In the sunlight, he saw that the last stone left in his hand was shining very brightly. He was stunned to see the brightness of that stone. Because it was not a stone but a precious diamond. He realized that by now he had thrown stones worth crores into the river. He started crying bitterly.
Seeing the last stone left in his hand, he was cursing the darkness. He was sitting mournfully on the bank of the river when a Mahatma passed by. Knowing his sorrow, he said - Don't cry son, you are still lucky. It is your good luck that the sunlight burst before you could throw the last stone, otherwise this stone too would have slipped out of your hands. This one precious diamond can also decorate your life.
Instead of crying over what has gone out of hand, you should celebrate what is in your hands. After listening to Mahatma, his eyes opened and he happily returned home. Instead of looking at what has passed, let's see what can happen next.
Education :- Instead of crying about what has gone out of hand, one should celebrate what is in hand and think about the future....

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

My little Buaji...!!

As soon as the festival of Rakshabandhan approached, I used to wait for the courier of Rakhi from my Bua from Jamshedpur (Jharkhand) the most.
Bua used to send such a big parcel.
Various foreign branded chocolates, games, color flower dress for me, saree for mummy, a branded shirt for papaji.
This time also he had sent a lot of goods.
Both Buaji from Patna and Ramgarh had also sent many gifts along with colorful rakhis.
Just like every year, Jaya Bua's Rakhi from Rohtas came in a simple envelope.
Five rakhis, roli rice wrapped in a piece of paper and a fifty note.
Mummy had put all four Buaji's packets on the dining table so that Papa could have a look at the Rakhis and gifts sent by his sisters after returning from office...
As soon as father came, he had spread on the sofa keeping the lunch box bag and laptop bag on the tea table.
"The ashes of all four sisters have arrived...
Mummy called out while offering tea for Papa in the kitchen...
"Please show Jaya's envelope...
Papa used to wait for Jaya Bua's rakhi the most and first of all used to tie the rakhi sent by her on his wrist.
Jaya Bua was the youngest among all the siblings, but she was the only one who probably had never seen happiness after marriage.
Immediately after the marriage, the brother-in-law usurped all the business and evicted him from the house.
Since then Fufa's mental condition was not very good. Used to earn a little by doing a minor job.
Bua used to run the house with great difficulty.
The only son Shyam was also put in the ordinary school of the locality. Bua ji was living somehow with just one hope...
Seeing the envelope sent by Jaya Bua, Papa started thinking something...
'Gayatri, this time on the day of Raksha Bandhan, we all will go to Jaya's house in Rohtas (Bihar) by morning passenger train without informing her...
"Jaya didi's house..!!
Mummy was completely shocked at Papa's words.
You don't know how tight it is in their house.
The breakfast and food of the three of us would also be so heavy for Jaya Didi….how would she be able to manage everything.
But father's silence was telling that he has made up his mind to go to Jaya Bua's house and everyone in the house knew that it is very difficult to change father's determination...
On the day of Rakshabandhan, we all reached Rohtas by Dhanbad to Dehri on Son passenger in the morning.
Bua was washing clothes under the tap in the verandah outside the house. Bua was the youngest in age, but the tight condition and daily worries had made her the oldest. Very thin and weak body. At such a young age, folds were clearly visible on the skin of the face. I had seen the photo album of Bua's wedding many times. There was no answer to the beauty of the Bua in the marriage. How much the problems of eleven years after marriage had changed Buaji.
Father and mother were being seen for a few moments from a distance to Bua in a very old worn saree...
Papa's eyes were filled with tears.
Seeing all of us, Buaji was completely shocked.
He didn't know how and what to react.
Take care of your disheveled hair or fix the house that is in disarray. No guest had come to his house for years...
It was as if she had forgotten long ago how to ask guests to come inside the house...
Everyone tells about Bua ji that since childhood she was very fond of cleanliness and beautification.
But today it was visible that how lack and anxiety eats up a person from inside like a termite...
Often Bua ji had to extend her hand sometimes in front of someone and sometimes in front of someone for small needs...
The situation had become such that most of the relatives had stopped picking up their calls.
Papa was the only one who, despite his limited salary, used to give something or the other to his Bua...
Papa went ahead and hugged his sister who was scared.
"Brother sister-in-law Mannu, you all suddenly today?
Is everything fine...?
Bua asked in a trembling voice.
Today after years I felt like coming to your house in Rakhi..
So we all just came...
Father said while comforting Bua….
"Sister-in-law don't come inside...
I'll bring you tea and snacks.
Jaya Bua took mummy's hands in her cold palms and said
"Jaya, you just sit near me. Gayatri will see tea and breakfast."
On our way to Buaji's house, we stopped on the way and took many sweets and snacks......
Mummy went to the kitchen and started putting plates for everyone.
On the other side, Bua was sitting beside her brother on a cot spread with an old torn sheet in the room.
Bua's son Shyam ran to call Fufa.
The auspicious time for tying rakhi was till 7 pm. Mother had gone to the mall with her sister-in-law to buy new dresses for everyone and buy groceries for Bua's house....
By the evening the whole house had changed
New curtains, new sheets on the bed, colorful door mats, and the whole family was wearing new dresses.
Don't know after how many years, Jaya Bua's kitchen store house was full to the brim.
Slowly a self-confidence was seen returning on the face of the Bua….
But the truth was that everything still seemed like a dream to him.
Bua ji had decorated the rakhis in the plate
had a box of sweets
As soon as she started applying tilak to father, father asked Bua to stop.
Everyone was surprised...
"Wait ten minutes, your other sisters are also about to reach the bus."
Papa smiled and said, then everyone kept looking at Papa….
Just then, hearing the sound of car horns outside the door, Bua, mother and Fufa came running out, then the whole family of all three Buas was in front....
Jaya Bua's house was full of guests.
Neelam Bua of Maharajganj started telling that some time back she had told her father that why don't we all together go on a pilgrimage to all four dhams...
Just that day the father called the three sisters that now the time has come for the Char Dham Yatra.
All three Buas agreed on father's talk and all had decided that this time everyone would gather at Jaya's house and help her by giving little money.
Jaya Bua was just looking at her sisters and brother's family alone.
What a big surprise everyone had given him today...
She was hugging all the sisters...
Everyone tied rakhi to father.
Such Raksha Bandhan was probably for the first time for everyone.
At night we all had dinner in a big restaurant.
Don't know when it was too late to gossip again...
Still Jaya Bua was not speaking much.
She just used to wipe her tears that spilled in between.
Everyone was lying down in the middle of the courtyard by spreading a sheet.
Jaya Bua was clinging to Papa like a small child.
As if she had been waiting for this love and caress for years
While talking, father suddenly felt that Bua's body was very cold, so father got scared...
Everyone woke up but Jaya Bua had slept forever....
Lying like a child in father's lap, she has left.
I don't know how long I was ill.
And till today there was no word from anyone...
Today she was alive only with the hope of meeting everyone...!!
Take care of your loved ones. One who is capable should help his disabled relatives. always be happy

Monday, July 17, 2023


A heart touching true incident......
It was just sunrise in the morning that an elderly doctor came to the door and started ringing the bell. Who came early in the morning? Saying this the doctor's wife opened the door.
On seeing the old man, the doctor's wife said,
Grandfather so early today? What's wrong with you?
The old man said, I have come to the doctor to get my thumb stitches cut. I have to reach another place at 8:30, so I came early.
Sorry doctor.
The old man's residence was in the neighborhood of the doctor, he used to come to the doctor whenever needed, so the doctor was familiar with him. He came out of the room and said,
No problem Dada. Sit down.
Tell me your thumb.
The doctor carefully opened the stitches of the thumb and said that
Grandpa is great. Your wound has healed. Even then I apply a bandage so that it does not get hurt anywhere.
There are many doctors, but this doctor was very caring and compassionate.
The doctor bandaged and asked
The old man's residence was in the neighborhood of the doctor, he used to come to the doctor whenever needed, so the doctor was familiar with him. He came out of the room and said,
No problem Dada. Sit down.
Tell me your thumb.
The doctor carefully opened the stitches of the thumb and said that
Grandpa is great. Your wound has healed. Even then I apply a bandage so that it does not get hurt anywhere.
There are many doctors, but this doctor was very caring and compassionate.
The doctor bandaged and asked
Dada where do you have to reach at 8:30. If you are late then I will walk and drop you.
The old man said no no doctor, now I will go home, prepare breakfast, then leave, and will reach at exactly 9:00.
He thanked the doctor and got up to leave.
There are many doctors who treat by taking bills, but those who treat from the heart are few.
When Dada stood up, the doctor's wife came and said that Dada, have breakfast here.
The old man said no ben.
I would have had breakfast here, but who will give him breakfast,
The doctor asked who has to have breakfast?
Then the old man said that to my wife.
So where does she live? And where do you have to reach her place at 9:00?
The old man said - Doctor, she could not live without me, but now. he is unwell
So in the nursing home.
The doctor asked - why, what is her problem. The old man said, my wife has Alzheimer's, she has lost her memory.
From last 5 years. She doesn't recognize me. I go to the nursing home, feed her breakfast, then she looks at me with teary eyed eyes. I have become a stranger to him. While saying this, tears welled up in the eyes of the old man.
The eyes of the doctor and his wife also became moist".
Love is selfless, everyone has love but one sided love! This is rare. But it definitely happens.
Kabir has written
Love does not grow, love does not sell in the market.
It is not available in the market.
the doctor and his wife said
Grandfather, since 5 years you go to the nursing home every day to have breakfast? You are so old.
You don't get tired, don't you get bored?
he said i go three times
Doctor, he served me a lot in my life and today I am living my life with his support. My heart gets filled when I see him.
When I sit near him, I get strength. If she was not there, I would have grabbed the bed by now, but I have to fix it, take care of it, that's why I get stronger everyday. That's why I have so much agility. When I wake up in the morning, I get ready and go to work. I have a feeling that I have to go to meet him, have breakfast with him, make him breakfast.
The pleasure of having breakfast with him is different. I feed him breakfast with my hand, the doctor said, Dada, let me ask one thing.
Don't ask doctor.
The doctor said grandfather,
She doesn't recognize you, neither speaks in front of you, nor laughs, even then you go to meet her.
Then the words that the old man said at that time, those words are the most heart touching and poignant in the world.
The old man said, Doctor - she does not know who I am, but I do know who she is.
And it is said that streams of water started flowing from the eyes of the old man.
The eyes of the doctor and his wife also filled with tears.
The story would be complete but selfishness is a curse in family life, and love is a blessing.
When love is less then the family breaks.
love your parents in your home
Those who say that for their fat
her or for their mother, "Now they have become stubborn", read this story 10 times to them.
read this sentence too
"She doesn't know who I am but I do"
May these words make the flow of love flow in the family.
Not those who are seen together in the picture,
He is ours, who is seen with us in trouble.

Sunday, July 16, 2023


Once a Mahatma ji was going somewhere in the middle of the market.
And on the roof of a nearby brothel, a courtesan was eating paan
. Suddenly he recklessly spit down the betel leaf
And that peak fell on Mahatma ji going down
Mahatma ji looked up towards the prostitute and went ahead with a smile.
Seeing this, the courtesan got angry thinking that she was insulted, so she said to her friend sitting there that if you were there, someone is smiling more seeing me and you are sitting here.
Hearing this, his friend picked up the stick lying there and got down and hit the head of Mahatma ji who was going ahead.
And looking at the courtesan smiled seeing that I have taken my revenge
Only then Mahatma ji saw his head from which blood was coming out, even then Mahatma ji did not say anything and smiled and sat under a nearby tree and the courtesan's friend started returning smiling when he was climbing the stairs of the brothel. Was
So her friend's foot slipped from the topmost ladder and he fell to the bottom and got hurt a lot, all this the courtesan was watching.
And she understood that that Mahatma ji is very name chanting and truthful.
She came down and went to Mahatma ji and fell at his feet and said that
Forgive me Mahatma ji, I had sent my friend after you.
He was the one who hit your head so forgive me
That Mahatma ji smiled and said that daughter, where did you and I come from in all this quarrel.
There is nothing wrong with you and me, this is a fight between friends
"Your friend didn't see your disrespect"
"And my friend, that Murliwala Kanhaiya, did not see my problem."
so it's not your fault
And your friend comes to you only occasionally, sometimes during the day, sometimes at night.
My friend
always with me
"That's why you also take refuge in the one who stays with you all the time"


A boy named Nandu lived with his poor parents in a small village. One day in the same village, two brothers were returning to their vill...