Thursday, November 9, 2023


The train was going at full speed...but Ajay's impatient mind had gone to Anand...last night itself Anand called me, "Brother, you come here immediately, you are needed." What will happen to me if you don't come..."
Ajay got scared, "What's the matter son? What big trouble have you got?!" But by then Anand had switched off the mobile and could not talk even after trying it on several times. The whole night was spent praying to God for blessings...
The reservation was done by Anand himself. Sitting in an AC coach for the first time, Ajay was becoming uncomfortable in matching his attire, speech and activities with the environment around him, till date he had not even gone out of the village.. Anand, who was his life and He was studying outside, this is the last year of his studies.. (O Lord, please be kind to my son, give all his troubles to me, an illiterate fool...)
The latent impatience in her voice heard on his sudden phone call had forced him to sit in the train….The restless heart fearing some accident or some serious illness was suddenly filled with a pleasant feeling when healthy, happy Anand arrived at the station. Brother, you said you have come and hugged reality, now he was no longer that small Anand whom he used to carry in his lap and the whole village could be measured.
Now Anand almost took her in his lap and took her to the luxurious car, opened the door, made her sit comfortably, then filled the glass of juice, brother, by the time you drink it comfortably, we will reach home… Anand gave her something. Wasn't even giving me a chance to ask...
As soon as he reached home, Anand arranged a good meal for him and kept a nice suit for him.. "Brother, take a quick bath and get ready wearing this suit quickly...
By the time Ajay asked something, where are you going, why have you called so urgently, Anand disappeared saying I will come right away. Ajay was not able to understand anything!! But Anand was looking very healthy and happy. This was the biggest thing for him. It was divine grace.
Within a short while, a driver again took him in the car to a luxurious hotel and with great respect took him to a grandly decorated hall and made him sit on the sofa right in front...Ajay himself in such a modern high level environment. Was feeling very uncomfortable and then Anand was also nowhere to be seen...!
Then suddenly the grand stage was illuminated with milky light and Ajay's name started being called from the mike. Someone in the mike was telling about Anand in a very sweet voice that today this grand stage is blessed by honoring the newly appointed collector of this city, Shri Anand ji. It is happening and for this we respectfully invite respected Shri Ajay ji on the stage....
My son became Collector Saheb. Ajay's heart soared as if it could not stop.. but why are you calling me..!
By then two well-equipped volunteers took him to the stage….
Before Ajay could understand anything, Anand placed his trophy and certificate in his hands and touched his feet...
Hey hey, son! Everyone is watching what he is doing. Saying this, Ajay hugged him and he was overwhelmed with tears of joy in his eyes.
Ajay said, let me see brother, let everyone see today...this is the brother of mine whose sacrifice, simplicity, unwavering love and tireless struggle got me this position...
Let me listen...
Today I tell everyone from my heart that ever since I regained consciousness, I have never seen my father...
I had heard that an elder brother is like a father, but brother, today I can say with certainty in front of everyone that
If I had a father, he would have been like my elder brother.

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