Thursday, November 9, 2023


Once upon a time there was a carpenter. He went to work for a businessman in a far away city. One day while working his saw broke. He could not work without a saw, and it was difficult to return to his village, so he reached a village adjacent to the city. After asking around, he came to know about the blacksmith.
He went to the blacksmith and said- Brother, my saw is broken, please make a good saw for me.
The blacksmith said, “I will make it, but it will take time, you can come tomorrow at the same time and get the saw from me.”
The carpenter was in a hurry so he said, “Brother, take some more money but make me a saw right now!”
“It is not a matter of money, brother… If I make a tool in such a hurry, I will not be satisfied with it, I never leave any stone unturned in making a tool!”, explained the blacksmith.
The carpenter agreed, and came the next day to take his saw.
The saw was very well made. The carpenter was able to work easier and better than before.
The carpenter happily told this to his master and praised the blacksmith a lot.
Seth also looked closely at the saw!
“How much money did the blacksmith take for this?” Seth asked the carpenter.
“Ten rupees!”
Seth thought in his mind that anyone in the city would be ready to pay thirty rupees for such a good saw. Why not make dozens of such saws from that blacksmith and sell them in the city?
The next day Seth reached the blacksmith and said, “I will make a lot of saws from you and will give you ten rupees for each saw, but I have one condition… from today onwards you will work only for me. You will not make saws and sell them to anyone else.”
“I can't accept your condition!” The blacksmith said.
Seth thought that the blacksmith wanted more money. He said, “Okay, I will give you fifteen rupees for each saw… now my condition is accepted.”
The blacksmith said, “No, I still cannot accept your condition. I will determine the value of my hard work myself. I can't work for you. I am satisfied with this price, I don't want any higher price than this.” “You are a very strange man… does anyone refuse the coming Lakshmi?”, the businessman said with surprise. The blacksmith said, “You will take the saw from me and then sell it to poor buyers at double the price.” But I cannot become a means of exploitation of any poor person. If I get greedy, many people will have to pay for it, so I cannot accept your proposal.”
Seth understood that no amount of wealth in the world can buy a true and honest person. He remains firm on his principles.
It is a great virtue to rise above one's own interests and think about others. If the blacksmith wanted, he could easily earn good money but he knew that his little greed would prove harmful for many needy people and he did not fall for the greed of the merchant.
Friends, if we look carefully, then like a blacksmith, most of us know when our selfishness causes harm to other people, but despite knowing this, we work for our own benefit. We have to change this behavior, regardless of what other people do, we have to decide for ourselves not to do anything for our own benefit that hurts others.

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