Sunday, July 16, 2023


Once a Mahatma ji was going somewhere in the middle of the market.
And on the roof of a nearby brothel, a courtesan was eating paan
. Suddenly he recklessly spit down the betel leaf
And that peak fell on Mahatma ji going down
Mahatma ji looked up towards the prostitute and went ahead with a smile.
Seeing this, the courtesan got angry thinking that she was insulted, so she said to her friend sitting there that if you were there, someone is smiling more seeing me and you are sitting here.
Hearing this, his friend picked up the stick lying there and got down and hit the head of Mahatma ji who was going ahead.
And looking at the courtesan smiled seeing that I have taken my revenge
Only then Mahatma ji saw his head from which blood was coming out, even then Mahatma ji did not say anything and smiled and sat under a nearby tree and the courtesan's friend started returning smiling when he was climbing the stairs of the brothel. Was
So her friend's foot slipped from the topmost ladder and he fell to the bottom and got hurt a lot, all this the courtesan was watching.
And she understood that that Mahatma ji is very name chanting and truthful.
She came down and went to Mahatma ji and fell at his feet and said that
Forgive me Mahatma ji, I had sent my friend after you.
He was the one who hit your head so forgive me
That Mahatma ji smiled and said that daughter, where did you and I come from in all this quarrel.
There is nothing wrong with you and me, this is a fight between friends
"Your friend didn't see your disrespect"
"And my friend, that Murliwala Kanhaiya, did not see my problem."
so it's not your fault
And your friend comes to you only occasionally, sometimes during the day, sometimes at night.
My friend
always with me
"That's why you also take refuge in the one who stays with you all the time"

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