Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Grandma's health was bad for a long time...!!
Two nurses used to take care of him at home...!!
The doctors also raised their hands and said...!!
Whatever service you want to do, do it...!!
Medicines are not working now...!!!!
He had called the children in the house from the hostel...!!
Due to work, both husband and wife would have gone to work...!!
Both the children go to see their grandmother again and again...!!
When grandmother opened her eyes, the children hugged grandmother...!!
Dadi Papa says you cook very well...!!
We don't like hostel food......!!
Will you cook for us......??
The nurse scolded the kids and asked them to go out...!!
Suddenly grandmother got up and lashed out at the nurse...!!
You go from here...!!
Who has given the right to scold my children...!!
Beware if you tried to scold the children...!!
You do wonders...???
It was for you that we children were forbidden...!!
They come again and again to see you and disturb you...!! Doesn't even let you rest...!!
Hey, how much relief my eyes and heart get by looking at them, what do you know...??
Do this, I want to take a bath...!!
Take me to the bathroom...!!
The nurse was shocked and speechless...!!
Till yesterday the medicine was not working and today it has changed so much...??
Everything was incomprehensible like...!!
After bath grandma asked nurse to help in cooking...!!
At first the nurse refused, then after thinking something, she started helping...!!
When the food was prepared, the children were called and asked to eat in the kitchen itself...!!
Grandma We will eat sitting on the ground and that too with your hands...!!
Mother gives food on the table and never even feeds...!!
There was happiness on grandmother's face...!!
She sat near the children and started feeding them...!!
The children also gave morsels in the mouth of grandmother...!!
Tears started flowing from grandmother's eyes...!!
Grandma why are you crying...?? does it hurt...??
I will press your feet...??
Oh no, these are tears just remembering your father
He also used to eat like this from my hands...!!
But now such a ghost of success has come that he doesn't even have time to eat...!!
Nor the time to meet mother...!!
Grandma you get well, both of us will eat food from your own hands...!!
And who will go to study...???
Will your mother let you stay...??
Grandmother, now we will not go, we will stay here and study...!!
Grandma hugged the children...!!
The nurse had never read this treatment in her life...!!
It was a unique medicine to live together with loved ones...!!
Grandma said to the nurse :--
How do today's doctors and nurses know that how the people of India lived healthy for 100 years...??
Small village No facility...!!
Cow in every house...!!
Farm work...!!
Bringing water from the well...!!
Grinding spices and grinding grains...!!
Extraction of curd bilona butter...!!
Cooking food for at least 20 to 25 people in a house...!!
Washing clothes No mixie nor washing machine or cooker...!!
Still no disease in life...!!
No spectacles till the day of death and teeth are also safe...!!
All this happened only by getting the love of the family...!!
The nurse was surprised to hear this and grandmother recovered on the second day...!!


Once upon a time a king had no children, age was passing by...
Took a lot of efforts, showed it to many doctors, but the result was nothing.
The king started worrying as to who would take over the throne after me.
The king thought of a solution, got a new palace built inside the palace, got a formula of algebra written on its main gate...
And it was announced throughout the state that whoever solves this formula, after that this door will open.
He will be the master of this palace and the successor of the kingdom.
Now big mathematicians and scholars from all over the state started arriving but no one could solve that formula.
The worry of the king started increasing. After a few days, those who tried stopped coming.
The king got the drum beat in the nearby states also, the temptation was good, many people started coming, but the formula was not solved by anyone.
Gradually people came less, one day only two people arrived, one of them was a mathematician and an ordinary young man,
Seeing the dilapidated clothes of the young man, the gatekeepers got angry and started driving him away - "You won't be able to, go."
When the king saw the young man was stopped, the king said, "First the young man should be given an opportunity."
The young man said that first give a chance to a learned person only, if he cannot do it then he will try.
The king said okay, you take the seat.
That mathematician kept trying till evening but nothing happened.
Now the young man was called, the young man went and pushed the door with his hand, the door opened.
The palace resounded with the sound of clapping.
The king asked, "How did you do it?"
The young man said that when the learned men were struggling the whole day, then I thought that it may also be that it is not an algebraic formula at all.
And it must have been written on the door to test intelligence."
Many times in life we all struggle with some problem while it is not a problem at all...!!

Saturday, August 5, 2023


In a village, there lived a young man named Rahul. He was a very sensitive and emotional person. Since childhood, he had a heart condition that caused his heartbeat to often become rapid. The doctor had advised him to take care of his heart health.
One day, Rahul met his childhood friend, Leena. Leena was a beautiful, intelligent, and thoughtful girl. They spent the whole day together, reminiscing about old times and catching up on life. With each passing moment, Rahul found himself drawn to Leena's company, and he started to cherish every second they spent together.
Gradually, Rahul's feelings for Leena grew stronger. He couldn't bear the thought of living without her. However, he was anxious about whether his heart could handle the intensity of his love. He decided to confide in the doctor and share his worries.
The doctor advised Rahul, "Rahul, don't try to suppress your feelings of love. Listen to your heart and understand it. Love is a powerful emotion, and facing challenges together can make your bond even stronger."
Taking the doctor's advice to heart, Rahul mustered up the courage to tell Leena about his rapid heartbeat and his love for her. He said, "Leena, I love you, and I want to spend my life with you. But my heart sometimes beats faster due to my condition. Are you willing to marry me despite this?"
Leena looked into Rahul's eyes and replied, "Rahul, I love you too, and I have no fear. We will share this love and face every challenge together."
Rahul and Leena got married, and with Leena's love and understanding, Rahul's heart found strength. Their bond grew stronger with every passing day, and they faced life's ups and downs as a team, cherishing every moment together.
This story teaches us that love may come with challenges, but if we listen to our hearts and stand by our true love, we can overcome any obstacle. Love's power can give us the strength to face difficulties and share happiness with our beloved partner.


9×1= 9
9×2 =18
9×3 =27
9×4 =36
9×5 =45
9×6 =54
9×7 =63
9×8 =72
9×9 = 81
When I saw the children after writing, the children were laughing at the teacher because the last line was wrong.
Then the teacher said:
"I misspelled the last line on purpose
Because I want to teach you all something very important.
The world will treat you like this..!
You can see that I have written correctly above 9 times but no one has praised me..??
And you people laughed at my only one mistake and called me wrong too "!! It is right to call wrong wrong but...!!
This is a tip...
The world will never appreciate your lakhs of good deeds, but will definitely criticize even one mistake you make.
This is a bitter truth!!!
That's why be happy while walking on the right path, be happy while humming --
"Kuch to log kahenge...
it is the job of the people to say...
Secondly, what will people say, if we start thinking about it,
then what will they do.

Friday, August 4, 2023


On her sixty-fifth birthday, Subhadra ji wanted to go to an old age home in that city and distribute some clothes and sweets…
When he told his son, he said, "Mother, you are asking me to do all this at the new place, I myself have come here two months ago, I will tell you after finding out, then you will leave."
On the second day, the son reached an old age home with Subhadra ji, there suddenly she stopped seeing a woman while talking nicely by giving things in everyone's hands.
Disheveled hair… no sense of clothes..
don't know in what thoughts she was lost. Her face seemed a bit familiar, so she started asking one of the staff there about that woman.
“Hey, that Gayatri Aunty belongs to a very rich family..
but son and daughter-in-law do not ask her… she has left here, never even comes to see…
she just remains silent, if you talk about something, she will speak only one thing, you will pay as you do.”
Hearing his name, Subhadra ji ran and hugged her and said, “Friend, how are you here…
your big bungalow…
where has all the love gone? ,
Gayatri ji could never forget this voice of her childhood friend…
hugging and crying, “You will pay as you will….
It is true that in my wealth I used to persecute big people…
I didn't understand anyone who came to my mind and used to listen to me silently…
even the children used to be scared….
Husband says this habit is not good, but I never heard of anyone…
I could not give my children any sanskar, nor time…
I always used to tell lies on every point…
When the daughter-in-law came,
she was engaged in humiliating her and after the death of my husband,
when I Sick, helpless, son and daughter-in-law started telling me lies…
those whom I never gave time, where would they give me time…
Service was a distant thing, they brought me here…
Now they boast of money…
I am sitting here I am passing the day to go up.” Helpless Gayatri ji said.
Subhadra ji could not say anything, she was right in saying...
you will pay as you do.

Thursday, August 3, 2023


Once two different men set out on a journey. Both met, both had the same destination, so both went together in the journey.
When the time came for both of them to separate after seven days, one said: Brother! We were together for a week. Do you recognize me?
The other said: No, I did not recognize him.
The first passenger said: Sir, I am a famous thug but you are a great thug. You also turned out to be my teacher.
Another passenger said: How?
Passenger 1: I searched you continuously for seven days in the hope of finding something, but I could not find anything.
After living together for so long, I have come to know that you are a very rich person and have gone on such a big journey, so how can it be that you have nothing? But you are completely empty handed!
Passenger 2: I have a precious diamond and also a few silver coins.
The first passenger said: Then why didn't I get him despite so much effort?
Passenger 2: Whenever I used to go out, he used to put the diamond and coins in your bag and you kept rummaging through my bag for seven days.
You didn't even understand the need to take care of your bundle, then from where do you get anything......??
God always puts new happiness in our pocket but we don't have time to look at our bundle, this is everyone's basic problem.
From the day a person stops looking at others, from that moment all his problems will be solved.
Feel Your Bale!
The biggest secret mantra of life is


A man was carrying a net towards the river early in the morning. On reaching near the river, he realized that the sun had not fully risen yet. He started walking merrily in the thick darkness.
Then his leg hit the bag. Curiously, when he put his hand in the bag, he found that it was full of very big shiny stones. To pass the time, he took out one stone from his bag and threw it into the river. Slowly he threw many stones of the bag into the river, when the last stone was in his hand only then the sunlight spread on the earth.
In the sunlight, he saw that the last stone left in his hand was shining very brightly. He was stunned to see the brightness of that stone. Because it was not a stone but a precious diamond. He realized that by now he had thrown stones worth crores into the river. He started crying bitterly.
Seeing the last stone left in his hand, he was cursing the darkness. He was sitting mournfully on the bank of the river when a Mahatma passed by. Knowing his sorrow, he said - Don't cry son, you are still lucky. It is your good luck that the sunlight burst before you could throw the last stone, otherwise this stone too would have slipped out of your hands. This one precious diamond can also decorate your life.
Instead of crying over what has gone out of hand, you should celebrate what is in your hands. After listening to Mahatma, his eyes opened and he happily returned home. Instead of looking at what has passed, let's see what can happen next.
Education :- Instead of crying about what has gone out of hand, one should celebrate what is in hand and think about the future....


A boy named Nandu lived with his poor parents in a small village. One day in the same village, two brothers were returning to their vill...