Saturday, July 15, 2023

Karma, Fate and Time

It is said that one does not get more than luck and before time and every work is done at its own time.
Once a person went to the mountains to see the Lord. When he reached the top of the mountain, he saw God. That person became very happy.
He asked God - God, how much are millions of years worth to you?
God said - only equal to 1 minute.
Then the person said - God how much are lakhs of rupees worth to you?
God said – equal to only 1 rupee
So the person said - so can God give me 1 rupee? God smiled and said - just wait a minute, Vats….
Friends, no one has ever received and will never get more than time and luck.
Everything happens at its own time.
The plant sprouts from the seed only when the time comes, the tree grows with time, the tree will bear fruit only when the time comes.
In this world, people who believe in karma say that there is no luck and fatalists say that whatever is written in the destiny, it will happen. That is, a person keeps roaming on the axis of these two points of Karma and Fate and one day goes away saying goodbye to this world.
Yes, luck can be changed by karma.
The fate of a man is determined by his deeds. A man should keep on doing his work, because luck can be changed by his actions.
This is the reason why we consider karma as prime and also talk about luck. Our account will be according to the actions we perform and on the basis of that we will get the result of the accumulated actions in this life. That's why Guru says keep working hard in life, when the time comes, you will definitely get the result.
There was a very dense forest, a Mahatma lived in it, the forest was in the middle of a river and two kings ruled on both sides of the river. Both the kings were enemies of each other, both did not even like to see each other. But one thing was common to both of them that for any work, they used to come to that Mahatma ji sitting in the forest once in a while.
Anger increased in both the kings and both thought that now war would be settled. The first king who reached Mahatma ji and told everything, then Mahatma ji said – Rajan, it is written in your destiny to lose this war. The king became very sad and took blessings and came to his palace and said to his commander and soldiers, all of them go out after tying the shroud and what will happen will be seen, either they will die or they will come after being killed.
On the other side another king also came and said Mahatma ji what will happen to me. Mahatma ji smiled and said Rajan, winning this war is written in your destiny.
Then what was it, the second king became very happy and came to his kingdom and told everyone this good news. The next day when the second king was going for war, one of his horse's cord broke. The minister said, Rajan, change the umbilical cord, it can be dangerous. But the king was proud of the prediction of victory. He said, we are winning the war, then what is the need, let's leave it, no problem. The king reached the battle and the army on both sides broke down on each other. After a while both the kings came in front of each other and in the meanwhile the second cord of the second king's horse broke. Meanwhile, the former king, who was about to lose, captured the other king.
After the victory, the first king went to Mahatma ji and said, Guru, you had said that I would lose, but I won.
Mahatmaji said, Rajan, what I had said was written in your fate, but you changed your fate with your hard work and hard work.
So friends, we get the same lesson from this story that luck also favors those who do work and work hard.
Karma is incomplete without luck and luck without karma.
Our happiness, success, peace, peace everything lies in good deeds only. That's why one should not always depend on luck. If we throw a brick at the wall and hit it, it will definitely hit the wall, if it is thrown at a person, he can get hurt while standing at one place and can be saved from his efforts by doing work, so we should go on doing our work. If you do good deeds, then everything will be good.
If you can, do three favors to the people:
1. If you can't benefit then don't harm,
2. If you can't give happiness then don't hurt and
3. If you can't praise then don't do evil.

Thursday, July 13, 2023


This morning on my morning walk, I saw a man ahead of me. Was half a "kilometer" ahead of me. Guessed that, was running a little "slow" than me. Got a strange "happiness". I would catch him and was sure.
I started walking faster and faster, with each step forward, I was getting "closer" to him. In no time I was just a hundred steps behind him. I had decided that I had to leave him "behind". Raised the "speed" a bit. Eventually I backed down.
Reached him, went "ahead" of him. The "feeling" of "inner joy" that I "beat" him.
He didn't know, of course, that we were having a "race". When I "got ahead" of him, I felt that my mind and heart were focused on the "competition", to such an extent that-
missed the "turn of the house"
The "peace" of mind is lost,
Could not see the ′′ beauty and greenery ′′ around, could not enjoy them. Forgot the "joy" of nice weather.
And then I understood that this happens in life too. When we consider our colleagues, neighbors, friends, family members as competitors. Want to do better than them. We want to prove that we are more successful or more important than them. Because we forget our happiness. We waste our time and energy in running after them. In all this, they even forget their path and destination. We forget that negative competitions will never end. There will always be someone ahead. One will have a better job, a better car, more money in the bank, more education, a more beautiful wife, more cultured children, better conditions and better circumstances. There is a realization in all of this that everyone can be "the best" without competition.
Some people feel insecure because they pay too much attention to others-
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
What are you wearing?
What are you talking about?
Friends, be happy with who you are- accept the height, weight or personality and understand how lucky you are? Control your aspirations. Remember that there is no "competition" in luck. Everyone has their own destiny. Comparison and competition steal every happiness. That's why run your own ′′ race ′′ without any competition... It gives immense happiness, peace in mind and life, Perhaps this is called "salvation". You also live a healthy, happy, blissful life, attain "Moksha" while alive, living in this worldly environment, with a life without comparison and competition..!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Today's story is about Saiman, a resident of Pune. Thumb impression Saiman was not educated but he was certainly "skilled".
He is a gardener by profession and specializes in the art of making barren land green.
Saiman used to go from house to house and take care of people's gardens. Used to save enough money to live on. He was very hardworking. Even at the age of 45, he would cycle from house to house throughout the day and do his work with full dedication. One day Saiman was noticed by Pune resident Ninad Vengulekar. Ninad told Saiman that there is a garden in his house for which he needs a gardener to take care of it. Saiman agreed. When Ninad asked how much money would be taken for the maintenance of the garden, Saiman said that whatever Ninad would gladly give, he would accept it.
Actually Saiman had a different plan in his mind. Ninad's house was in the posh areas of Pune. There were chambers of mostly rich people.
Next morning Saiman came on a bicycle. Told Ninad "Ram Ram Seth". Got out the tools and got to work. Saiman rejuvenated the garden in 15 days. Ninad himself was surprised to see the garden decorated like this.
Then according to his plan, he started contact with the people around and showed them the transformation done in Ninad's garden.
The people around also liked Saiman's work and one by one they took care of all the gardens in the neighborhood.
From 6 in the morning till 6 in the evening, Saiman kept on working hard and giving a new look to each and every garden. Work also increased and income also increased.
Saiman has now bought a motorcycle. Within a period of two years, Saiman took care of the gardens of 20 houses and hired 4 boys.
Meanwhile, a famous builder from Pune caught sight of Saiman's work and gave Saiman a contract to plant trees in the entire building complex.
Saiman again gave one day and night. This contract turned the fortunes of Saiman. The work increased 10 times and the income also increased many times.
One day Ninad called Saiman that he wanted to get some work done in his garden again. Two years had passed since Ninad met Saiman. Saiman said that he would reach his bungalow in some time. After some time, a gleaming Honda Civic stopped in front of Ninad Vengulkar's bungalow. Ninad was standing outside the house.
One person got down from the car and said "Ram Ram Seth". Ninad thought who is this Seth who is calling me Seth after getting down from the gleaming car. Then the person standing in front said, "I know Seth. I am Saiman."
Is the same Saiman who used to come to Ninad's house on a bicycle two years ago, was today sitting in a Honda Civic.
Thanking Ninad with folded hands, Saiman said, "I started with you only".
Now Ninad was not expecting the least that someone who got down from a luxurious car like Honda Civic would dig the soil of his garden.
But then got to see something which was not even expected by Ninad. Saiman took out the tools and started working. He was accompanied by his assistants, but Saiman was still seen working the most out of all of them. Meanwhile, Ninad took these pictures of Saiman.*
This whole incident was unbelievable for Ninad. A simple gardener who had traveled from a bicycle to a Honda Civic and was still equally loyal and dedicated to his work. Even today he had the same respect for his work in his heart.
His effort. His hard work
We all have a desire to do something big but many of us hesitate to start from scratch. The beginning of a great work may be small, but Saiman's story is a living example of the fact that on the basis of hard work and effort, a person can travel from bicycle to Honda Civic.

The Power of Compassion

Once upon a time in a peaceful village nestled amidst lush green hills, there lived a young boy named Ravi. Ravi was known for his kind heart and his eagerness to help others. He would go out of his way to assist anyone in need, be it humans or animals.
One day, as Ravi was walking home from school, he came across a wounded bird lying on the path. Its wings were drooping, and it seemed to be in immense pain. Without a second thought, Ravi gently picked up the injured bird and cradled it in his hands.
Determined to help the bird, Ravi hurriedly made his way to the village's renowned healer, a wise old woman named Grandma Leena. Upon seeing Ravi's distress, she carefully examined the bird and said, "The bird's wing is broken, my dear. It needs time to heal, but it also requires your love and care."
Ravi nodded with determination. He took the bird home and created a cozy nest for it, providing it with food and water every day. With each passing day, Ravi's compassion grew as he watched the bird slowly recover. He patiently tended to its needs, understanding that true healing takes time and effort.
Meanwhile, news of Ravi's compassionate act spread throughout the village, inspiring others to perform acts of kindness. The villagers started helping each other, and the entire community flourished with love and compassion.
Months passed, and the bird regained its strength, thanks to Ravi's unwavering care. One sunny morning, as Ravi prepared to release the bird back into the wild, it perched on his shoulder and chirped melodiously. It seemed to be expressing gratitude for Ravi's selfless act.
As Ravi opened the door, the bird took flight, soaring high into the sky, its wings strong and vibrant once again. Ravi stood there, gazing at the bird until it disappeared from sight. Deep inside, he felt an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfillment.
The story of Ravi's compassion and the transformation of the village became a legend, passing down from generation to generation. It taught everyone the immense power of empathy and how a single act of kindness could ripple through a community, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of all who witnessed it.
From that day forward, the villagers embraced compassion, understanding, and selflessness. The village thrived, and its people lived in harmony, valuing the well-being of every living being around them.
The moral of the story is that acts of compassion have the power to heal wounds, unite communities, and create a world filled with love and understanding. In a world where kindness seems scarce at times, it is our responsibility to be like Ravi and spread compassion wherever we go, for even the smallest act of kindness can make a tremendous difference in someone's life.

Friday, June 30, 2023

The Ripple Effect of Honesty

In a quaint little town called Serenityville, there lived a young girl named Maya. Maya was known for her impeccable honesty. She believed in the power of truth and the profound impact it could have on individuals and society as a whole.
One day, Maya stumbled upon a small, worn-out diary lying on the sidewalk. Intrigued, she opened it and discovered that it belonged to Emily, a fellow classmate from her school. The diary contained Emily's deepest secrets, dreams, and fears.
Maya's heart filled with empathy as she read the diary. She understood the value of privacy and the importance of keeping someone's secrets safe. Determined to return the diary to Emily without compromising her trust, Maya decided to find her.
As Maya embarked on her mission, she encountered various challenges along the way. She faced temptation, as some friends suggested she could use the diary's contents to her advantage. However, Maya's commitment to honesty remained unwavering.
Finally, after much effort, Maya located Emily, who had been desperately searching for her missing diary. With a warm smile, Maya handed it back to her, explaining how she had found it and the decision she had made to protect Emily's privacy.
Emily was overwhelmed with gratitude. She realized that Maya's act of honesty was more than just returning a lost item—it was an affirmation of trust, respect, and integrity. The incident touched Emily's heart, and she, too, pledged to uphold honesty in her life.
News of Maya's honesty spread throughout Serenityville. Inspired by her actions, the townspeople began reflecting on their own integrity and the impact their choices had on others. Honesty became a guiding principle in their interactions, fostering trust and deepening connections.
The ripple effect of Maya's honesty transformed Serenityville into a town of integrity. Neighbors treated each other with respect, children learned the value of truth, and businesses flourished through fair practices. Serenityville became a symbol of honesty and integrity, attracting visitors from far and wide.
Years later, Maya's act of honesty continued to reverberate. People who had witnessed or heard about her story carried the essence of truthfulness into their own lives, spreading it to others they encountered. Maya's legacy lived on, reminding everyone of the power of honesty and its capacity to shape individuals and communities.
The moral of this story is that honesty is a virtue that has far-reaching consequences. It is not just about speaking the truth, but also about upholding integrity, respecting others' privacy, and being accountable for our actions. When we embrace honesty, we set off a ripple effect that can inspire and transform the world around us, creating a society built on trust, authenticity, and harmony.

Thursday, June 29, 2023


Rekhi's heart was beating fast after reaching her in-laws house, "New house, new environment, new relationship. How will she live? " She was also remembering her friend Geeta." Rekhi people from UP are very quick-tempered especially the mother-in-law there are very conservative, tyrannical and greedy. Many of them survive for not getting dowry. Burns. you be very careful
On the other hand, Madhuri ji's mind was also apprehensive about the new daughter-in-law. Will be,,,?" But then they have calmed down their mind..” What is this crazy thinking? It is not necessary that all daughters-in-law are bad? Right now all she needs is intimacy." While thinking Madhuri went to Rekhis room, she stood up in a huff.
"Hey Ray, sit comfortably" Madhuri ji sat down next to her while patting her daughter-in-law's head.. "Son, if you don't mind, I want to talk to you about something important!" "Yes, yes, say," said Rekhi softly.
"I know you must be scared that how will be the in-laws? How will be the atmosphere at home?... Isn't it? It is natural. I too was very scared when I got married. But you are not at all. be afraid i am with you. But as you are feeling, I am also afraid that "I don't know what will be the nature of my daughter-in-law? Till now I do my mind's work, all the members of the house live together peacefully, but Don't let everything change now."
"He is scared and that too from me?" When Rekhi looked at her with surprise, Madhuri smiled.
"Yes daughter-in-law! When two children born from the same mother have different natures, then you have come from different environment. That's why we have to adjust...means both of us" while holding her hands She said in firm words "If you ever have any complaint with me, feel free to tell me, I will try my best to rectify it.
But yes, this is how I will tell you. If you make a mistake, I will explain...if needed, I will scold you too." . If you ever get angry with me, even if you have a fight, consider me as your mother and forgive me, don't tie anything in knots. One more thing,I have always explained this to my son as well whether it is husband or wife..if one gets angry then the other one should calm down..only then the car of life runs smoothly,otherwise it is not too late to get stuck. It seems Today I say the same thing to you."
Rekhi kept looking at them. To a very settled mother-in-law. Who had dispelled his fear by explaining so well.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Me and My Son

This year my Six year old son I got admission in second class.
Always topped the class! last days salary I took her to the market to get a new school dress and shoes! The son refused to take the shoes, saying that the old shoes just needed a little repair, that this year Can give work!
Instead of his shoes, he asked me to get new glasses made for my grandfather's weak eyesight! I thought son from his grandfather Maybe loves a lot that's why his glasses are more important than his shoes Well, I didn't think it necessary to say anything and took it to the dress shop.
The shopkeeper took out a white shirt of the son's size. After putting it on, the shirt fit perfectly. Asked to show the shirt! I told my son: Son, this shirt is perfect for you, then why longer? The son said: Father, I have to put the shirt inside the knickers.
That's why even if it is a little long, it will not matter... But this shirt will be useful to me in the next class as well.
But because of being small, I am not able to wear it, I remained silent! While coming home I asked my son: Who teaches you all these things son?
Son said: Father, I often used to see that sometimes mother leaves her saree and sometimes you leave your shoes and always spend money on my books and clothes!
Everyone in the street says that you are a ve ry honest man and everyone calls Krishna's father a thief, a dog, a dishonest person, a bribe taker and what else, while you both work in the same office. .....
I love it when everyone praises you.....
Mummy and Grandfather also praise you! Father, I wish that I may or may not get new clothes; new shoes in my life, but no one should call you a thief, dishonest bribe taker or a dog!
I want to be your strength father, not your weakness! I was speechless after listening to my son.
Today I was rewarded for my honesty for the first time! Today after a long time There were tears of joy, pride and respect... We would have also 'harvested' the crop of progress; A few soles, if 'we' would have licked them too..!!


A boy named Nandu lived with his poor parents in a small village. One day in the same village, two brothers were returning to their vill...