Thursday, July 13, 2023


This morning on my morning walk, I saw a man ahead of me. Was half a "kilometer" ahead of me. Guessed that, was running a little "slow" than me. Got a strange "happiness". I would catch him and was sure.
I started walking faster and faster, with each step forward, I was getting "closer" to him. In no time I was just a hundred steps behind him. I had decided that I had to leave him "behind". Raised the "speed" a bit. Eventually I backed down.
Reached him, went "ahead" of him. The "feeling" of "inner joy" that I "beat" him.
He didn't know, of course, that we were having a "race". When I "got ahead" of him, I felt that my mind and heart were focused on the "competition", to such an extent that-
missed the "turn of the house"
The "peace" of mind is lost,
Could not see the ′′ beauty and greenery ′′ around, could not enjoy them. Forgot the "joy" of nice weather.
And then I understood that this happens in life too. When we consider our colleagues, neighbors, friends, family members as competitors. Want to do better than them. We want to prove that we are more successful or more important than them. Because we forget our happiness. We waste our time and energy in running after them. In all this, they even forget their path and destination. We forget that negative competitions will never end. There will always be someone ahead. One will have a better job, a better car, more money in the bank, more education, a more beautiful wife, more cultured children, better conditions and better circumstances. There is a realization in all of this that everyone can be "the best" without competition.
Some people feel insecure because they pay too much attention to others-
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
What are you wearing?
What are you talking about?
Friends, be happy with who you are- accept the height, weight or personality and understand how lucky you are? Control your aspirations. Remember that there is no "competition" in luck. Everyone has their own destiny. Comparison and competition steal every happiness. That's why run your own ′′ race ′′ without any competition... It gives immense happiness, peace in mind and life, Perhaps this is called "salvation". You also live a healthy, happy, blissful life, attain "Moksha" while alive, living in this worldly environment, with a life without comparison and competition..!!

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