Moral story for everyone who wants to move ahead in life.Easy-to-Read Moral Story on Moral Story Point.
Friday, October 13, 2023
When I reached my in-laws' house after five days of holidays, my husband was standing in front of the house to welcome me. When we entered inside, there was a gleaming Swift Dezire car parked in the small garage.
When I asked my husband a question with my eyes, he handed me the keys of the car and said: - "From tomorrow you will go to college in this car, Professor Sahiba!"
"Oh my God!!'' I was so happy that nothing else came out of my mouth. Just in excitement and emotion, I gave a big hug to Tehsildar Saheb and clung to him like a mistletoe.
His way of giving gifts is also strange. Everything quietly and suddenly!! Own an old Indigo and bought more expensive ones for me.
This man gave so many gifts in his 6 years of married life. If I count, I get tired. He is honest and does not take bribes.
But they are so spendthrifts that they buy gifts with borrowed money.
After a long hug, I separated and started inspecting the car. It was my favorite color. She was very beautiful.
Then my eyes went to the place where my scooter used to park. Stubbornly! That place was empty.
“Where is the scooter?” I shouted and asked. “I sold it, what to do with it now? There is not even that much space in the parking lot.”
"You sold it without asking me?" "It was only a scooter; an old one. Why are you angry?" When he said in an emotionless voice, I screamed: - "It was not a scooter. It was my life. My heartbeats resided in it. It was the only sign of my father. Near.
I respect your gift but not without that scooter. I don't want your car. You sold my most precious thing. That too without asking me.'" I cried.
Hearing the noise, my mother-in-law came out. When he touched my head I started crying even more. “Don't cry son, I already told you this.
Ask your daughter-in-law once. But the son has grown up. Tehsildar!! Where will he listen to his mother? But don't cry. And why are you standing here looking at the scooter again?"
Tehsildar Saheb came to me with his head bowed. Had never seen me crying before. Love that is limitless. Said in a pleading voice:- Sorry friend! How did I know that Scooty is so close to your heart. I have sold the scrap for only seven thousand rupees.
Of what use was that little money to me? You just sold the car and what will you do with it after getting it? I wanted to give you happiness, not tears. I will go and get it right now. “Then he left.
I came and sat in my room. Inert c. What was the husband's fault also? Yes, once or twice he had said to sell it and buy a new one. I also laughed and said that no, this is fine.
But suddenly I became very emotional after not seeing the scooty. How can it not happen? That scooty was not my father's "status".
When I was in college, a girl studying with me came to college with a new scooter. All her friends were congratulating her.
Then I asked him: - "How much is it? The answer he gave with all his might took my life away: -" How much is it? This is beyond the limits of you and your father."
Suddenly there was no feeling in my legs. All the girls had left from there. But I remained sitting there. No one had seen the pain in my heart. I had never realized that they all considered me to be "poor" unlike them. But that day I felt that I was not among them.
Even when she came home, she could not hide her sadness. She hugged her mother and cried. When I told my mother, she just said, "Don't pay too much attention to mean girls! Concentrate on your studies!"
When father came home at night, I also asked him: - "Papa, are we poor?"
Then father said while stroking his head, “We are not poor, daughter, we are just having a little poor time.”
Then even the next day I did not go to college. Don't know why I didn't feel like it. Papa came home early in the evening. And what they brought was such a great happiness for me that it cannot be expressed in words. A lovely scooter. Butterfly C. Like a golden bird.
No, she was like a white angel. The flight of my dreams. She was my life. To be honest, I could not sleep that night. I don't remember how many times I thanked my father. Where did the scooter come from?
I couldn't even think with great happiness where the money came from. Then my training continued for two days. Knew how to ride a bicycle. Also learned to drive a scooter.
Reached college after five days. With his father's "status". like a princess. As if you have just got down from the golden chariot. To be honest, that day was the happiest day in my life. Everyone came to know how much my father loves me.
But after a few days, a friend told that she was sitting on Papa's cycle rickshaw. Then I said no friend, you are sitting on someone else's cycle rickshaw. My father has his own tempo.
But inside my mind was tingling. Did Papa sell the tempo for my scooter? And it's been over six months. I was not even allowed to know. When father came home in the evening, I looked at him angrily.
Today, after so many days, when I had some free time, I realized that I had become thin. Otherwise there was no time to look carefully. They used to come at night and leave in the morning. The tempos also used to be parked far away at a friend's house.
How to know it has been sold. I ran and hugged him!:-"Papa, why did you do this?" That's all that came out of my mouth. The cry that had come.
"You are my pride daughter, if I see tears in your eyes then what kind of father am I? Don't worry, I haven't sold it. I kept it as a mortgage. I will get it back this month."
"You are the best father in the world. Even the best of the best. Where was the need to prove it? When did I ask for a scooty? Why did you do this? You carried passengers on your feet for six months. Oh father, how much trouble did you endure for me?
I couldn't understand anything, you idiot." And I started crying loudly. Then we all started crying. My two younger brothers. My mother too.
I don't know how long I kept crying. That scooty was not for me. Mine was a flying cradle watered with my father's blood. And sold it to some junkman. There will definitely be sorrow.
Suddenly my trance broke. A familiar voice reached my ears. Quickly, quickly, my husband Dev i.e. Tehsildar Saheb was driving my flying cart. And he looked like a complete idiot while driving. But a lovely idiot.
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Father shouts loudly...
Satyam son...
He comes running and asks. What's the matter, father?
Father: Don't you know that your sister is coming today? This time she will celebrate her birthday with all of us.
Now go quickly and bring your sister, yes and listen... you take your new car which you bought yesterday... she will love it.
Me: But my friend took my car in the morning itself… and the driver also took your car saying that the brakes of the car have to be checked.
Father: Okay, so you go to the station by taking someone's car or by renting one? He will get great happiness.
Me: Hey, is that the girl who won't be able to come? Will come, why do you worry about taking a taxi or auto---
Father: Aren't you ashamed to say this? Despite having cars in the house, will the daughter of the house come by taxi or auto?
Me: Okay dad, you go, I have a lot of work, I can't go.
Father: Don't you care about your sister at all? If the sister gets married, does she become a stranger? Doesn't he have the right to love from all of us? Your sister has as much right in this house as you do. No daughter or sister becomes a stranger after leaving her maternal home.
Me - But she has become a stranger to me and only I have the right on this house.
Taadak… Taadak…
Suddenly father's hand rises on me and then mother comes.
Mummy: You should have some shame, you don't raise your hand on such a young son.
Father: Didn't you hear what he said? He calls his sister a stranger; this is the same sister who was not separated from him even for a moment - used to take care of him every moment. She would even save her pocket money and buy something for him. Even at the time of parting, she hugged her brother and cried more than us. And today he calls the same sister a stranger.
Me - (smiling) "Today is also aunt's birthday, isn't it, Papa?" She has come to this house many times, but every time she has come by auto. You never went to take her in your car...
It is true that today she is in poverty but yesterday she was also very rich. He has generously helped and supported you, me, this house. Aunty had also left this house, then what is the difference between Shivani Di and aunty. Shivani is my sister and aunt is also your sister.
"Papa" You are my guide, you are my hero but just because of this I cry every time alone. Just then the sound of a car stopping outside is heard.
By then father also started crying in the fire of remorse due to my words and I too, sister runs and hugs father and mother… but seeing his condition she asks what happened father?
Papa - Today your brother has become my father too.
Shivani - Oh crazy...!! New car right? It is very nice, I have driven it myself with the driver sitting behind and the color is also of my choice.
Me - "happy birthday to you Di..."
That car is yours and from us you get a "birthday gift.."!
Sister jumps with joy as soon as she hears it, and then "aunt" also comes inside.
Aunt - What brother, you too? No call, no news, you suddenly sent the car, I came running happily "It felt as if Papa is still alive.."
Here father looks at me with tears in his eyelids… and I signal father to remain silent.
Here aunt keeps saying how lucky I am. That "I got a brother like my father", May God grant me a brother like you in every birth...
"Papa-mom had come to know that... all this was Satyam's handiwork, but today once again seeing their relationships getting stronger, they started crying with joy from inside. They were now completely sure dear Even after this, my son will always protect the relationships.
"Daughter and Sister"
These are two very precious words whose lifespan is very short. Because after marriage, daughter and sister become someone's wife, someone's sister-in-law and someone's daughter-in-law. Maybe... girls come to their parents' house for this very reason...
He would love to hear the words "daughter and sister" again!!
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
A king needed a servant for himself. His minister presented a capable person to the king after two days. The king made him his servant but later said to the minister, "Although this man is fine, his appearance is not good." The minister found this strange but remained silent.
Once during the summer season, the king asked the servant to bring water. The servant brought water in a golden vessel. When the king drank the water, it felt a little hot to drink. The king rinsed it and threw it away. He said, “Such hot water, that too in this summer season, you don't even understand this much.” The minister was watching all this. The minister asked the servant to bring water in an earthen vessel. The king felt satisfied after drinking this water.
On this the minister said, “Maharaj, look within, not outside.” The gold vessel is beautiful, valuable and good, but it does not have the quality of providing coolness. Earthen pot is very simple but it has the ability to make one cool. Don't look at the mere appearance, look at the qualities.'' From that day the king's perspective changed.
The character gets the right to get respect, prestige, fame and reverence, not the face. Chanakya has said that a man becomes good by his qualities and not by sitting on a high seat or by title. Just like a crow remains a crow even after sitting on the top of a tall palace; Doesn't become Garuda. Similarly, indelible beauty shines through the purity of the mind, because beauty is not just a presentation of appearance, features, gait, lifestyle and thinking style. It is the mirror of a person's mind, thoughts, thinking and actions. Many people look beautiful from outside but are very ugly from inside. Whereas there are people who are not beautiful from outside but the purity of their feelings is so much within them that their personality becomes magnetic. There is a big difference between being beautiful and looking.
Your character is your biggest quality.
A snake entered the sack containing a carpenter's tools. While entering, the carpenter's saw kept in the sack pricked his body and caused a wound, due to which he started feeling pain and became disoriented.
In anger, he pressed the saw hard between his two jaws. Now he also got a wound in his mouth and started bleeding!!
Now, troubled by this pain, to teach the saw a lesson, the snake wrapped its entire body around the saw and held it with all its strength. Due to this, the entire body of that snake got cut at many places and it died.
Similarly, many times, when we are even slightly hurt, we get into a rage and cause great harm to ourselves in order to teach the other person a lesson.
The story says that nothing is gained from anger except loss and regret..!!
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Sudha had just bought vegetables and turned towards home when she stopped seeing someone else sitting on a bike behind Mohan... A beautiful woman was sitting tightly behind Mohan and one of her hands was on Mohan's shoulder. ..
Sudha's body caught fire and she hissed like a snake - Okay... so at this age you are blooming...
Sudha, who used to walk every day to buy vegetables, immediately took an auto and hurriedly reached home. Mohan had not yet reached home and was waiting. It was 7 o'clock in the evening. Earlier, Sudha used to come home every day and go out angrily to roam around the gallery. She started gasping…what happened mummy?
Seeing her mother so restless, elder daughter Aaradhya asked... Aaradhya returned from college and her college friend was also with her.
That's why Sudha said... nothing...
A little nervous...that's why I'm walking...
Mom, turn me around, even in the morning... you have become so fat...saying this, Aaradhya went to her room.
Although the children used to use such words for Sudha many times, but today these words were piercing Sudha like arrows. She went inside the room and stood in front of the mirror. Today she started looking at herself very carefully and started thinking, "Really, she She has become very fat...
She started looking at the fat on her waist and stomach, started looking for the age running away in her swollen cheeks. She realized that at the age of 35, she started looking like 50. She started thinking how slim she was in her youth.
But all the beauty was lost while taking care of the household and children...
Oh...that's why Mohan's heart was filled, that's why she was sitting with her mouth glued to her pen. Mohan is still handsome at the age of 40...
He hanged my innocent husband… Oh God, what should I do now…
Being nervous, BP started increasing, Sudha quickly took a tablet and suddenly took some tough decision and then a feeling of satisfaction appeared on her face.
Mohan reached home by 8 o'clock. Sudha did not even let him know that she was angry. From the next day, all the members of the house went crazy with surprise. Sudha had started exercising at 7 o'clock in the morning, getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning, Kapalbhati, Pranayama, Suryanamaskar and all those yogasanas and exercises which I had searched on the net throughout the night, were doing them one by one.
After an hour of hard work, she came and spread herself on the bed.
The whole body including hands and legs started hurting. After some time, the fever got so strong that the body also started swelling. Seeing the condition getting serious, the elder daughter Aaradhya called her father Mohan and the family ran to the hospital with Sudha.
Seeing the worsening condition, the doctors immediately admitted Sudha, the elder child of the family.
Everyone was scolding Sudha that why did she suddenly have to do so much exercise? Now even if Sudha said with wet eyes, did she tell anyone about her obesity….
Her years of love and happiness were being snatched away from her by her husband Mohan.
All the family members were scolding Sudha that what was the need to do so much at once.
Even if poor Sudha speaks now, what can she say?
How to say that Mohan has changed his love...
Her happiness, her world, her husband is now having an affair with a young slim girl...
How to tell that her step-in-law is going to come to this house, to save this house from that, she was slimming herself so that her husband Parmeshwar Mohan would not look at anyone else, let alone that witch.
Meanwhile, Mohan had also come to the hospital after taking leave from the office, but he did not scold Sudha at all. Everyone in the house slowly went back. Only Mohan and Sudha were left in the hospital. Then Mohar asked...
You are looking worried...since last night...what's the matter...
Sudha did not answer but just turned her face away.
Sudha's body was still burning like a pan. Mohan did not argue... He kept placing the cold bandage on her forehead again and again. This sequence continued throughout the night and due to this I did not sleep even for a moment...
Sudha also remained unconscious the whole night due to pain and fever...doctors said that her BP was not being controlled, if this condition continued then there was a danger to her lungs and heart...
Then in the morning that beautiful woman also came to meet him. Seeing her, Sudha turned her face away. Then Mohan introduced her - Hey Sudha... look here...
This is Sonia Didi, I have already mentioned her to you many times, she was transferred to my office just two days ago... Didi joined yesterday.
Just yesterday the same was the colony near us...
Didi had invited me for tea in the evening
Us along with the family.....
But your health...
Hearing this, Sudha sank to the ground in shame.
Uff, how crazy and stupid I am...
She doubted her god-like husband.
He greeted Sonia Didi with his eyes down...
Then a miracle happened, within the next ten minutes his BP became normal... the fever went down...
The medicine that was found was only the pain which was going to get cured gradually. By the evening Sudha was discharged. She came home and kept apologizing to the Tulsi plant and the Gods and Goddesses again and again. She was a crazy person somewhere....
A composition full of domestic sentiments...
Saturday, September 9, 2023
A disciple was going to his village after taking a week's leave from his guru. At that time one had to go to the village on foot. While going, he saw a well on the way.
The disciple was thirsty, so he took water from the well and moistened his throat. The disciple felt amazingly satisfied, because the water of the well was extremely sweet and cool.
The disciple thought - Why not take the water from here for Guruji also. He filled his mush and started back towards the ashram. He reached the ashram and told everything to Guruji.
Guruji took the conch shell from the disciple and drank the water and felt satisfied. He said to the disciple – Really the water is like Ganges water. The disciple was happy. Hearing such praise from Guruji, the disciple took permission and went to his village.
After some time, another disciple living in the ashram came to Guruji and expressed his desire to drink that water. Guruji gave the wineskin to the disciple. As soon as the disciple took a sip, he rinsed the water out.
The disciple said - Guruji, there is bitterness in this water and neither is this water cold. You praised that disciple so much unnecessarily.
Guruji said - Son, what if there is no sweetness and coolness in this water. It is in the mind of the person who brought it. When that disciple drank water, love for me swelled in his heart. This is important. Like you, I too did not like the water from this wineskin. But I didn't want to upset her by saying this.
It may be that when the water was filled in the mashak, then it was cool and when the mashak was not cleaned, this water did not remain the same while coming here, but the love of the person who brings it does not decrease, doesn't it?
Moral of the story - Things that hurt others can be avoided and good can be found in every evil.
Thursday, September 7, 2023
A sad man, saddened by his condition, came to a Mahatma ji and said - Mahatma ji, my desire to live has ended. Tell me what should I do?
Mahatma ji asked - with whom are you sad?
That person said - of his family
From quarrels and from your business.
Then Mahatma ji said – God has given you the happiness of food, clothing and shelter ever since you were born. Ups and downs in life, this is the law of nature.
Lord Shri Ram's fourteen years of exile, Tara Rani's ordeal, Prahlad's Holika Dahan and torture by his father, and Guru Nanak Dev and Lord Mahavir Jain, who knows how many such Mahatmas struggled in their lives, but their victory was Who accepted the time,
Learned something from your past and learned to live in the present without worrying about the future. Every moment is a person's last moment, so learn to be thankful instead of crying. No one knows the value of breathing until it stops. The breath that is flowing inside us is the biggest blessing of God.
Have you ever realized how many breaths we have taken on ourselves today? You take care of every precious thing of yours, but have you ever thought about this precious thing and thanked God because of whom we exist?
Well, there is an unchanging law of breaths, although they come and go, but when they finally leave, they do not come back again. No force or no recommendation in the world can call it back, nor can you exchange it. The day it ends, we, you and everyone else also ends.
Without giving thanks to the precious treasure with which we were born and which God gave us, we take care of all the things in the world without appreciating that treasure, but neither this treasure nor the one who gave it. Never pay attention to or thank you.
The day these breaths stop coming and going, all relationships, respect, wealth and glory will end. Therefore, appreciate this precious treasure, and thank the one who gave it with every breath you take.
I can only show you the path, you will have to walk it yourself. The universe is running on the basis of karma and destiny, happiness and sorrow are created on the basis of karma only.
Luck is accumulated through prayers, happiness is achieved by giving happiness, anger brings sadness, speaking tactfully and remaining silent brings peace to the mind. Now the pen of destiny is in your hands, write it as you wish.
That sad person, after listening to Mahatma ji's knowledge, said - Mahatma ji, despite knowing all this, I had deviated from my path. First of all thanks to you and then to God for guiding me.
Saying this, the sad person bowed to Mahatma ji very happily and with a light heart and took leave from there after receiving his blessings.
Meaning, we consider God to be the reason for the bad deeds done by us and the reason for suffering them. Have we ever thought that God is not made to do bad?
Rather, we get happiness and sorrow only because of our deeds. That's why we should do good and good deeds every moment and keep thanking our God.
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A king needed a servant for himself. His minister presented a capable person to the king after two days. The king made him his servant but ...
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