Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Father shouts loudly...
Satyam son...
He comes running and asks. What's the matter, father?
Father: Don't you know that your sister is coming today? This time she will celebrate her birthday with all of us.
Now go quickly and bring your sister, yes and listen... you take your new car which you bought yesterday... she will love it.
Me: But my friend took my car in the morning itself… and the driver also took your car saying that the brakes of the car have to be checked.
Father: Okay, so you go to the station by taking someone's car or by renting one? He will get great happiness.
Me: Hey, is that the girl who won't be able to come? Will come, why do you worry about taking a taxi or auto---
Father: Aren't you ashamed to say this? Despite having cars in the house, will the daughter of the house come by taxi or auto?
Me: Okay dad, you go, I have a lot of work, I can't go.
Father: Don't you care about your sister at all? If the sister gets married, does she become a stranger? Doesn't he have the right to love from all of us? Your sister has as much right in this house as you do. No daughter or sister becomes a stranger after leaving her maternal home.
Me - But she has become a stranger to me and only I have the right on this house.
Taadak… Taadak…
Suddenly father's hand rises on me and then mother comes.
Mummy: You should have some shame, you don't raise your hand on such a young son.
Father: Didn't you hear what he said? He calls his sister a stranger; this is the same sister who was not separated from him even for a moment - used to take care of him every moment. She would even save her pocket money and buy something for him. Even at the time of parting, she hugged her brother and cried more than us. And today he calls the same sister a stranger.
Me - (smiling) "Today is also aunt's birthday, isn't it, Papa?" She has come to this house many times, but every time she has come by auto. You never went to take her in your car...
It is true that today she is in poverty but yesterday she was also very rich. He has generously helped and supported you, me, this house. Aunty had also left this house, then what is the difference between Shivani Di and aunty. Shivani is my sister and aunt is also your sister.
"Papa" You are my guide, you are my hero but just because of this I cry every time alone. Just then the sound of a car stopping outside is heard.
By then father also started crying in the fire of remorse due to my words and I too, sister runs and hugs father and mother… but seeing his condition she asks what happened father?
Papa - Today your brother has become my father too.
Shivani - Oh crazy...!! New car right? It is very nice, I have driven it myself with the driver sitting behind and the color is also of my choice.
Me - "happy birthday to you Di..."
That car is yours and from us you get a "birthday gift.."!
Sister jumps with joy as soon as she hears it, and then "aunt" also comes inside.
Aunt - What brother, you too? No call, no news, you suddenly sent the car, I came running happily "It felt as if Papa is still alive.."
Here father looks at me with tears in his eyelids… and I signal father to remain silent.
Here aunt keeps saying how lucky I am. That "I got a brother like my father", May God grant me a brother like you in every birth...
"Papa-mom had come to know that... all this was Satyam's handiwork, but today once again seeing their relationships getting stronger, they started crying with joy from inside. They were now completely sure dear Even after this, my son will always protect the relationships.
"Daughter and Sister"
These are two very precious words whose lifespan is very short. Because after marriage, daughter and sister become someone's wife, someone's sister-in-law and someone's daughter-in-law. Maybe... girls come to their parents' house for this very reason...
He would love to hear the words "daughter and sister" again!!

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