Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Son... I am going to your uncle's house.
Why mother, and you are going to uncle's house a lot these days... If you feel like going, then go... Mother, you keep this money... it will be useful to you.
Mother was filled with joy as she saw that the values given to her were returning today.
When Mohan went to school, he always hesitated in taking pocket money from his mother because the financial condition of the house was not good. His father was able to run the house with great difficulty by working as a laborer. But his mother still put some coins in his pocket. She kept giving... while he refused again and again.
Father always used to tell mother.
You will accept it only after spoiling it... but mother always laughed and avoided it.
The wife's behavior towards her mother was also not very good. She used to quarrel every day... She did not like this interruption from the elders... Even the children do not go to grandmother's room, I too get late. Due to coming there is no time to talk.
One day I followed my mother... Why is mother in such a hurry to go to her uncle's house?
He was surprised to see that mother does not go to her maternal uncle's house.
She used to sit alone at the station, leaning against a tree, for hours.
Then an old man standing nearby, who was watching all this, said... Son... what are you looking at?
Well, you are looking at that old woman...she comes here often and sits under the tree for hours and returns to her home in the evening. She looks like she belongs to a nice home.
Son... you will find not just one such but many elderly mothers and elderly fathers around here.
Yes, but why?
Son... When they do not get the love of elders at home... they feel very lonely, so they spend their time sitting here and there.
By the way, do you know… in old age, a person's mind becomes like a child, at that time they need more love and respect, but family members are not able to understand this, they only think that they have lived their life. Then they leave them alone, hesitate to take them anywhere, leave alone talking to them and often even find their opinions bitter, whereas the elders give advice to their children to save them from the dangers and problems arising from their experiences.
Didn't say anything to anyone after returning home. When his mother returned, he kept looking at all the members of the house.
No one was worried about the mother, no one talked to the mother, no one laughed or played, as if the mother was not even at home. In such a family, the wife and children were seen ignoring the mother.
In order to show everyone the way, he also stopped talking to his wife and children... He would go to work and come back without talking to anyone... Even if the children tried to talk to his wife, he would ignore it and get engrossed in work. Pretends to live...
Within three days everyone became upset...wife, children wanted to know the reason for this sadness.
Mohan made his family sit near him.
I lovingly explained to him that when I did not talk to you for four days, you became very upset.
Now think how much pain you are causing to your mother by behaving like this.
My mother is dear to me like your mother and then I hid the fact that my mother went to the station alone and sat there crying for hours.
Everyone was sorry for their bad behavior.
That day, as soon as mother returned home in the evening.
All the children clung to him...
Grandma, today we will sit with you… tell me some story.
The mother's eyes became wet, she hugged the children and started loving them and then the round of stories started which continued for hours. Meanwhile, Mohan's wife would bring fruits and sometimes tea and snacks for them. The mother herself would eat along with the children and Mohan and Now the atmosphere of the house had completely changed, even after feeding the children.
One morning, seeing his wife and mother sitting together, Mohan said loudly... Mother... What's the matter, are you not going to your uncle's house these days...
No son, now my home feels like heaven...
True mother… Mohan said looking at mother
Mother hugged her daughter-in-law and said...
yes, more beautiful than heaven!!

Friday, November 10, 2023


It's an old-fashioned thing One king sent a letter and a small box of antimony to another king.
It was written in the letter that the antimony I am sending is very valuable.
Blindness gets cured by applying this.
The King was thinking He could not understand to whom to give it.
There were a considerable number of blind people in his kingdom,
But the quantity of antimony was just enough to restore the vision of two eyes.
The king wanted to give it to someone very dear to him.
Then the king suddenly remembered one of his old ministers.
That minister was very intelligent, but due to loss of eyesight he had taken leave from government work and stayed at home.
The king thought that if his eyesight came back then he would be able to get the services of that able minister again.
The king sent for the minister and gave him a box of antimony and said, 'Put this antimony in your eyes.
You will start seeing again.
Keep in mind that this is only for 2 eyes.
The minister put kohl in one eye.
Its light came back. The minister began to see everything with that eye.
Then he put the remaining antimony on his tongue.
The king got shocked after watching this.
He asked, 'What did you do?'
Now you will be able to see light in only one eye.
People will call you one-eyed.’
The minister replied, 'Rajan, don't worry.
I will not remain single eyed. I will light up the lives of thousands of blind people through my eyes
By tasting it I have come to know what Surma is made of.
Now I will make antimony myself and distribute it to the blind.
The king hugged the minister and said,
‘It is our good fortune that I got a minister like you.
If ministers of every state become like you then no one will feel sad..!!

Thursday, November 9, 2023


The train was going at full speed...but Ajay's impatient mind had gone to Anand...last night itself Anand called me, "Brother, you come here immediately, you are needed." What will happen to me if you don't come..."
Ajay got scared, "What's the matter son? What big trouble have you got?!" But by then Anand had switched off the mobile and could not talk even after trying it on several times. The whole night was spent praying to God for blessings...
The reservation was done by Anand himself. Sitting in an AC coach for the first time, Ajay was becoming uncomfortable in matching his attire, speech and activities with the environment around him, till date he had not even gone out of the village.. Anand, who was his life and He was studying outside, this is the last year of his studies.. (O Lord, please be kind to my son, give all his troubles to me, an illiterate fool...)
The latent impatience in her voice heard on his sudden phone call had forced him to sit in the train….The restless heart fearing some accident or some serious illness was suddenly filled with a pleasant feeling when healthy, happy Anand arrived at the station. Brother, you said you have come and hugged reality, now he was no longer that small Anand whom he used to carry in his lap and the whole village could be measured.
Now Anand almost took her in his lap and took her to the luxurious car, opened the door, made her sit comfortably, then filled the glass of juice, brother, by the time you drink it comfortably, we will reach home… Anand gave her something. Wasn't even giving me a chance to ask...
As soon as he reached home, Anand arranged a good meal for him and kept a nice suit for him.. "Brother, take a quick bath and get ready wearing this suit quickly...
By the time Ajay asked something, where are you going, why have you called so urgently, Anand disappeared saying I will come right away. Ajay was not able to understand anything!! But Anand was looking very healthy and happy. This was the biggest thing for him. It was divine grace.
Within a short while, a driver again took him in the car to a luxurious hotel and with great respect took him to a grandly decorated hall and made him sit on the sofa right in front...Ajay himself in such a modern high level environment. Was feeling very uncomfortable and then Anand was also nowhere to be seen...!
Then suddenly the grand stage was illuminated with milky light and Ajay's name started being called from the mike. Someone in the mike was telling about Anand in a very sweet voice that today this grand stage is blessed by honoring the newly appointed collector of this city, Shri Anand ji. It is happening and for this we respectfully invite respected Shri Ajay ji on the stage....
My son became Collector Saheb. Ajay's heart soared as if it could not stop.. but why are you calling me..!
By then two well-equipped volunteers took him to the stage….
Before Ajay could understand anything, Anand placed his trophy and certificate in his hands and touched his feet...
Hey hey, son! Everyone is watching what he is doing. Saying this, Ajay hugged him and he was overwhelmed with tears of joy in his eyes.
Ajay said, let me see brother, let everyone see today...this is the brother of mine whose sacrifice, simplicity, unwavering love and tireless struggle got me this position...
Let me listen...
Today I tell everyone from my heart that ever since I regained consciousness, I have never seen my father...
I had heard that an elder brother is like a father, but brother, today I can say with certainty in front of everyone that
If I had a father, he would have been like my elder brother.


Once the Maharaja of a country was roaming around the villages to inquire about the well-being of his subjects. While roaming around, a button of his kurta broke.
He told his minister to find out which tailor is there in this village who can fit his button.
The minister found out that there was only one tailor in that village, who used to sew clothes.
He was taken before the king.
The king asked him...
Can you sew the button of my kurta?
The tailor said, yes sir...this is not a difficult task. He took the button from the minister and sewed the button of the king's kurta with needle and thread.
The king had the broken button, so the tailor just had to use his thread.
After the work was done, the king asked the tailor how much money should he give?
He said, Maharaj, let it be, it was a small task.
The tailor thought that the king also had the button, I have only used the thread.
The king again asked the tailor, tell me how much money should I give?
The tailor thought that he would just ask for one rupee.
Then he thought in his mind that if the king thinks that he is taking one rupee from me in exchange for sewing the button, then how much would he be taking from the villagers. In those days even one rupee was worth a lot.
The tailor said to the king, Maharaj, give me whatever you think is appropriate.
Now he was the Maharaja,
He had to give as per his wish.
Lest his position be spoiled by giving, he told his minister to give two villages to this tailor, this is our order.
Where the tailor was demanding only one rupee and
Where the king gave him two villages.
The meaning of this story is that
When we leave everything on God, He gives as per His own will. We just stop asking, we don't know what the giver wants to give?
That's why always express your full faith and trust.
Always remain focused on Almighty God.
God's mercy and blessings will always be like an ocean for us.
As soon as it happens, it becomes huge.


Once upon a time there was a carpenter. He went to work for a businessman in a far away city. One day while working his saw broke. He could not work without a saw, and it was difficult to return to his village, so he reached a village adjacent to the city. After asking around, he came to know about the blacksmith.
He went to the blacksmith and said- Brother, my saw is broken, please make a good saw for me.
The blacksmith said, “I will make it, but it will take time, you can come tomorrow at the same time and get the saw from me.”
The carpenter was in a hurry so he said, “Brother, take some more money but make me a saw right now!”
“It is not a matter of money, brother… If I make a tool in such a hurry, I will not be satisfied with it, I never leave any stone unturned in making a tool!”, explained the blacksmith.
The carpenter agreed, and came the next day to take his saw.
The saw was very well made. The carpenter was able to work easier and better than before.
The carpenter happily told this to his master and praised the blacksmith a lot.
Seth also looked closely at the saw!
“How much money did the blacksmith take for this?” Seth asked the carpenter.
“Ten rupees!”
Seth thought in his mind that anyone in the city would be ready to pay thirty rupees for such a good saw. Why not make dozens of such saws from that blacksmith and sell them in the city?
The next day Seth reached the blacksmith and said, “I will make a lot of saws from you and will give you ten rupees for each saw, but I have one condition… from today onwards you will work only for me. You will not make saws and sell them to anyone else.”
“I can't accept your condition!” The blacksmith said.
Seth thought that the blacksmith wanted more money. He said, “Okay, I will give you fifteen rupees for each saw… now my condition is accepted.”
The blacksmith said, “No, I still cannot accept your condition. I will determine the value of my hard work myself. I can't work for you. I am satisfied with this price, I don't want any higher price than this.” “You are a very strange man… does anyone refuse the coming Lakshmi?”, the businessman said with surprise. The blacksmith said, “You will take the saw from me and then sell it to poor buyers at double the price.” But I cannot become a means of exploitation of any poor person. If I get greedy, many people will have to pay for it, so I cannot accept your proposal.”
Seth understood that no amount of wealth in the world can buy a true and honest person. He remains firm on his principles.
It is a great virtue to rise above one's own interests and think about others. If the blacksmith wanted, he could easily earn good money but he knew that his little greed would prove harmful for many needy people and he did not fall for the greed of the merchant.
Friends, if we look carefully, then like a blacksmith, most of us know when our selfishness causes harm to other people, but despite knowing this, we work for our own benefit. We have to change this behavior, regardless of what other people do, we have to decide for ourselves not to do anything for our own benefit that hurts others.

Friday, October 27, 2023


As soon as I got down from the tempo at Kidwai Nagar intersection and moved ahead, three or four rickshaw pullers moved towards me and said, "Come Babu, K-Block."
The same morning and evening riders and the same rickshaw pullers at the intersection. Everyone starts recognizing each other's faces. The rickshaws on which I used to reach home in the evening were only three or four. By nature, I select my shops, rides or friends, trust them and do not change them frequently.
I sat on a rickshaw. Today in the office the director had expressed his displeasure at me without any reason, so my mind was distracted and my heart was heavy. I could not know when the rickshaw turned from the main road and when it stopped in front of my house.
"Come, Babuji, your home has arrived." I became alert after hearing the voice of the rickshaw puller. Finding the rickshaw parked in front of the gate, I got down, took out money from my pocket, gave it to the rickshaw puller and turned and moved towards home.
"Babu ji"
Hearing the rickshaw puller's voice, I turned and looked at him questioningly and said, "Did I pay less?"
"No Babuji"
"Then what's the matter? Are you thirsty?"
"No Babuji"
"So brother, tell me, what's the matter?"
"Babuji, has anything happened in the office?"
"Yes... but how did you know!" I asked in surprise.
"Babuji, today you did not talk to me while sitting in the rickshaw. You did not ask anything about my family. You remained silent the whole way."
"Yes, brother, today there is some unrest in my mind, that's why I remained silent. But I gave you the money in full!"
"Babuji, I gave you the money but..."
"But what else...?"
"Babu ji, you did not thank me today.. Babu ji, where do we get respect in the life of rickshaw pullers. People do not even pay the fare. Some even beat us. You are the only one who starts talking to us as soon as we sit in the rickshaw. They ask about your well being, about family, about children's education etc. , Babuji, it feels good when someone becomes your own. On top of all this, you not only pay the fare in full, you give us cold water to drink after coming home and also thank the people. We talk about you at the intersection as “Thank you Babuji”… but today…”
His voice was wet.
I took off my bag and kept it near the gate. She placed her hand on his shoulder and said softly, "Brother, please forgive me. Everything went wrong due to my heavy heart. I sincerely thank you for dropping me to my house. Thank you brother."
He smiled and applied pressure on the pedals and moved forward.
Always be happy.
Thank you brother

Saturday, October 14, 2023


Thieves entered the house of a Jain fakir at night. There was nothing in the house. There was only one blanket, which the fakir was lying on. Cold night, full moon night. The fakir started crying because of the pain of thieves coming into the house and there being nothing to steal. Hearing his sobbing, the thieves asked, “Brother, why are you crying?” He couldn't resist. So the fakir said that he had come- Come sometime, come for the first time in your life! You gave me this good fortune! Even me a fakir was given this opportunity! People do not go to beggars to steal, they go to emperors. Why did you come to steal, you made me an emperor! For a moment I also felt that thieves could come to my house too! Such good fortune! But then my eyes are filled with tears, I tried to stop myself so that your work would not get hampered, but I could not stop. Sobs came out because there was nothing in the house. If you had informed me two days in advance, I would have made arrangements. Please inform me when you come again. I am a poor man. If I had time for two-four days, I would have collected something by begging. Right now I only have this blanket, you take it. And look, don't deny. If you refuse, my heart will be deeply hurt.
The thieves were frightened and could not understand anything. He had never met such a man.
She had been stealing all her life, but this was the first time she was meeting a man. There is a lot of crowd, where are the people! The faces are of a man, where is the man? For the first time, there was shame in his eyes. And for the first time he bowed before someone and could not refuse. Why hurt him by refusing, he took the blanket. Difficult to even take! There is nothing else on it! When the blanket was removed, it was revealed that the fakir was naked. He was covered with a blanket, that was his only clothing – the same cover, the same bed. But the fakir said. Don't worry about me, I am used to being naked. And you came back from the village after walking three miles, on a cold night, who leaves the house. Even the dogs are lurking.
You take it quietly and inform me when you come again.
The thieves got so scared that they ran out.
While going out, the fakir shouted, listen, at least close the door and thank me.
The man is strange, the thieves thought. And so strong was his voice that they thanked him, closed the door and ran away. Then the fakir stood at the window and kept watching the thieves going away and he wrote a song - the meaning of the song is that I am very poor, if I had my way, I would have taken down even the full moon from the sky and presented it to them! Who comes to whose door at midnight?
This is a believer.
It does not believe in God, but it believes in the divinity of every individual. There is no person like God, But it has faith in the vast ocean of divinity which is beating inside every person, which is sitting as a temple of life, which is breathing.
Then the thieves were caught. A case was registered in the court and that blanket was also seized. And that blanket was a well-known blanket. That was the blanket of that famous fakir. The magistrate immediately recognized that it was that fakir's blanket - so you have stolen it from that poor fakir's place too! The fakir was called. And the magistrate said that if the fakir said that this blanket is mine and you have stolen it, then we do not need any further proof. One statement of that man is greater than the statements of a thousand men. Then I will give you as severe punishment as I can. Then I don't care whether your thefts are proven or not. If that one man said...
The thieves were nervous, trembling and sweating when the fakir came to the court. And the fakir came and told the magistrate that no, these people are not thieves, they are very good people. I presented a blanket and he thanked me. And when thanks were given, the matter was over. I gave the blanket, he thanked me. Not only this, these are such nice people that they even closed the door when they went out.
This is theism. *The magistrate left the thieves because the fakir said so. Don't hurt them, they are lovely people, nice people, good people. The thieves fell at the feet of the fakir and asked him to initiate us. He retired. And the fakir laughed a lot later. And he said that he had gifted the blanket so that you could enter Sannyasa. You could hardly digest this. All my prayers were woven into this blanket. This blanket contained the story of all my words. It was not a blanket. Like Kabir says, Na-jhini-jhini bini re chadariya! The fakir said that he had woven it with prayers. I meditated wearing this. It had the color and smell of my tomb. You couldn't avoid it. I was sure that he will bring the blanket for you too. And you have finally arrived. That day the night had come, today the day has come. That day he came like a thief, today he came like a disciple. I had faith.
Worship in my mind, sunshine in my mind


A boy named Nandu lived with his poor parents in a small village. One day in the same village, two brothers were returning to their vill...