Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Sudha had just bought vegetables and turned towards home when she stopped seeing someone else sitting on a bike behind Mohan... A beautiful woman was sitting tightly behind Mohan and one of her hands was on Mohan's shoulder. ..
Sudha's body caught fire and she hissed like a snake - Okay... so at this age you are blooming...
Sudha, who used to walk every day to buy vegetables, immediately took an auto and hurriedly reached home. Mohan had not yet reached home and was waiting. It was 7 o'clock in the evening. Earlier, Sudha used to come home every day and go out angrily to roam around the gallery. She started gasping…what happened mummy?
Seeing her mother so restless, elder daughter Aaradhya asked... Aaradhya returned from college and her college friend was also with her.
That's why Sudha said... nothing...
A little nervous...that's why I'm walking...
Mom, turn me around, even in the morning... you have become so fat...saying this, Aaradhya went to her room.
"fat.... Although the children used to use such words for Sudha many times, but today these words were piercing Sudha like arrows. She went inside the room and stood in front of the mirror. Today she started looking at herself very carefully and started thinking, "Really, she She has become very fat...
She started looking at the fat on her waist and stomach, started looking for the age running away in her swollen cheeks. She realized that at the age of 35, she started looking like 50. She started thinking how slim she was in her youth.
But all the beauty was lost while taking care of the household and children...
Oh...that's why Mohan's heart was filled, that's why she was sitting with her mouth glued to her pen. Mohan is still handsome at the age of 40...
He hanged my innocent husband… Oh God, what should I do now…
Being nervous, BP started increasing, Sudha quickly took a tablet and suddenly took some tough decision and then a feeling of satisfaction appeared on her face.
Mohan reached home by 8 o'clock. Sudha did not even let him know that she was angry. From the next day, all the members of the house went crazy with surprise. Sudha had started exercising at 7 o'clock in the morning, getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning, Kapalbhati, Pranayama, Suryanamaskar and all those yogasanas and exercises which I had searched on the net throughout the night, were doing them one by one.
After an hour of hard work, she came and spread herself on the bed.
The whole body including hands and legs started hurting. After some time, the fever got so strong that the body also started swelling. Seeing the condition getting serious, the elder daughter Aaradhya called her father Mohan and the family ran to the hospital with Sudha.
Seeing the worsening condition, the doctors immediately admitted Sudha, the elder child of the family.
Everyone was scolding Sudha that why did she suddenly have to do so much exercise? Now even if Sudha said with wet eyes, did she tell anyone about her obesity….
Her years of love and happiness were being snatched away from her by her husband Mohan.
All the family members were scolding Sudha that what was the need to do so much at once.
Even if poor Sudha speaks now, what can she say?
How to say that Mohan has changed his love...
Her happiness, her world, her husband is now having an affair with a young slim girl...
How to tell that her step-in-law is going to come to this house, to save this house from that, she was slimming herself so that her husband Parmeshwar Mohan would not look at anyone else, let alone that witch.
Meanwhile, Mohan had also come to the hospital after taking leave from the office, but he did not scold Sudha at all. Everyone in the house slowly went back. Only Mohan and Sudha were left in the hospital. Then Mohar asked...
You are looking worried...since last night...what's the matter...
Sudha did not answer but just turned her face away.
Sudha's body was still burning like a pan. Mohan did not argue... He kept placing the cold bandage on her forehead again and again. This sequence continued throughout the night and due to this I did not sleep even for a moment...
Sudha also remained unconscious the whole night due to pain and fever...doctors said that her BP was not being controlled, if this condition continued then there was a danger to her lungs and heart...
Then in the morning that beautiful woman also came to meet him. Seeing her, Sudha turned her face away. Then Mohan introduced her - Hey Sudha... look here...
This is Sonia Didi, I have already mentioned her to you many times, she was transferred to my office just two days ago... Didi joined yesterday.
Just yesterday the same was shifted...to the colony near us...
Didi had invited me for tea in the evening
Us along with the family.....
But your health...
Hearing this, Sudha sank to the ground in shame.
Uff, how crazy and stupid I am...
She doubted her god-like husband.
He greeted Sonia Didi with his eyes down...
Then a miracle happened, within the next ten minutes his BP became normal... the fever went down...
The medicine that was found was only the pain which was going to get cured gradually. By the evening Sudha was discharged. She came home and kept apologizing to the Tulsi plant and the Gods and Goddesses again and again. She was a crazy person somewhere....
A composition full of domestic sentiments...

Saturday, September 9, 2023


A disciple was going to his village after taking a week's leave from his guru. At that time one had to go to the village on foot. While going, he saw a well on the way.
The disciple was thirsty, so he took water from the well and moistened his throat. The disciple felt amazingly satisfied, because the water of the well was extremely sweet and cool.
The disciple thought - Why not take the water from here for Guruji also. He filled his mush and started back towards the ashram. He reached the ashram and told everything to Guruji.
Guruji took the conch shell from the disciple and drank the water and felt satisfied. He said to the disciple – Really the water is like Ganges water. The disciple was happy. Hearing such praise from Guruji, the disciple took permission and went to his village.
After some time, another disciple living in the ashram came to Guruji and expressed his desire to drink that water. Guruji gave the wineskin to the disciple. As soon as the disciple took a sip, he rinsed the water out.
The disciple said - Guruji, there is bitterness in this water and neither is this water cold. You praised that disciple so much unnecessarily.
Guruji said - Son, what if there is no sweetness and coolness in this water. It is in the mind of the person who brought it. When that disciple drank water, love for me swelled in his heart. This is important. Like you, I too did not like the water from this wineskin. But I didn't want to upset her by saying this.
It may be that when the water was filled in the mashak, then it was cool and when the mashak was not cleaned, this water did not remain the same while coming here, but the love of the person who brings it does not decrease, doesn't it?
Moral of the story - Things that hurt others can be avoided and good can be found in every evil.

Thursday, September 7, 2023


A sad man, saddened by his condition, came to a Mahatma ji and said - Mahatma ji, my desire to live has ended. Tell me what should I do?
Mahatma ji asked - with whom are you sad?
That person said - of his family
From quarrels and from your business.
Then Mahatma ji said – God has given you the happiness of food, clothing and shelter ever since you were born. Ups and downs in life, this is the law of nature.
Lord Shri Ram's fourteen years of exile, Tara Rani's ordeal, Prahlad's Holika Dahan and torture by his father, and Guru Nanak Dev and Lord Mahavir Jain, who knows how many such Mahatmas struggled in their lives, but their victory was Who accepted the time,
Learned something from your past and learned to live in the present without worrying about the future. Every moment is a person's last moment, so learn to be thankful instead of crying. No one knows the value of breathing until it stops. The breath that is flowing inside us is the biggest blessing of God.
Have you ever realized how many breaths we have taken on ourselves today? You take care of every precious thing of yours, but have you ever thought about this precious thing and thanked God because of whom we exist?
Well, there is an unchanging law of breaths, although they come and go, but when they finally leave, they do not come back again. No force or no recommendation in the world can call it back, nor can you exchange it. The day it ends, we, you and everyone else also ends.
Without giving thanks to the precious treasure with which we were born and which God gave us, we take care of all the things in the world without appreciating that treasure, but neither this treasure nor the one who gave it. Never pay attention to or thank you.
The day these breaths stop coming and going, all relationships, respect, wealth and glory will end. Therefore, appreciate this precious treasure, and thank the one who gave it with every breath you take.
I can only show you the path, you will have to walk it yourself. The universe is running on the basis of karma and destiny, happiness and sorrow are created on the basis of karma only.
Luck is accumulated through prayers, happiness is achieved by giving happiness, anger brings sadness, speaking tactfully and remaining silent brings peace to the mind. Now the pen of destiny is in your hands, write it as you wish.
That sad person, after listening to Mahatma ji's knowledge, said - Mahatma ji, despite knowing all this, I had deviated from my path. First of all thanks to you and then to God for guiding me.
Saying this, the sad person bowed to Mahatma ji very happily and with a light heart and took leave from there after receiving his blessings.
Meaning, we consider God to be the reason for the bad deeds done by us and the reason for suffering them. Have we ever thought that God is not made to do bad?
Rather, we get happiness and sorrow only because of our deeds. That's why we should do good and good deeds every moment and keep thanking our God.

Sunday, September 3, 2023


What are we missing in life,
What are we getting, our illusion
There lived a very rich man in a village. People called him Seth Dhaniram. That Seth had abundant wealth due to which his relatives, relatives, brothers and sisters always surrounded him, they used to sing his tunes, Seth also helped all those people a lot.
Then suddenly, after some time, Seth fell ill with a terrible disease. Seth got many treatments for this terrible disease but it could not be cured. Ultimately Seth died.
Yamdoots came to take that Seth with them, as soon as Yamdoots started taking Seth away, Seth went a little distance and started praying to Yamdoots to give him some time, I will come back immediately.
The messengers gave him permission.
Seth returned, looked around and came back to the Yamdoots and said, let's go quickly. The Yamdoots were surprised to see him ready to go with them like this and asked Seth the reason for this.
Seth said in a disappointed tone - I had collected immense wealth by cheating, fed people a lot and also helped them a lot, I thought that they would never leave me. Now that I am leaving this world forever, they all have changed. Instead of being sad for me, they have already started planning to divide my property. No one has the slightest regret for me. Is .
Hearing Seth's words, Yamdoot said - In this world, every living being comes alone and goes alone. Whatever good or bad action a person does, he himself has to suffer the consequences of it. Every living being understands this truth but late.
Life Lesson: We are seeing this in our lives also. People have forgotten the truth of life and have fallen prey to the traps created by humans like greed, money, evil etc. The food you eat stays in your stomach for 4 hours, the clothes you wear stay in your stomach for 4 months.
But the knowledge you gain. He remains with you till your last breath. And it becomes a culture and passes on to your next generation. The seed of knowledge never goes waste. Let's make it as successful as we can, success comes only by making it successful.
Look, listen and understand every person in a positive way. The more we read, listen, understand, the more we realize our shortcomings. And by removing this deficiency, we keep moving towards the destination of success.
what did you bring
Who will take what?
do something like this
That people remember you.


There was great peace in the house. Even if the leaves moved, their sound could be heard. There was more silence and silence in Vaidehi ji's mind than that. Two people were present in the house but despite that both were in different rooms. Suddenly the sound of glass falling broke Vaidehi ji's trance. When she got up and went to the kitchen, she saw that her husband Somesh ji was cleaning the water that had fallen on the floor.
You leave it. I will clean it
Came to drink water. I don't know how the glass suddenly fell from my hand.
Oh no problem. "It happens sometimes" Vaidehi ji said, took the mop from Somesh ji's hand and started cleaning the floor. Somesh ji was not able to tolerate his silence so he said
Come, let's perform evening aarti in the neighboring temple.
I don't feel like it, sir. if you want to go then you go
How long will you keep waiting for your son? Will come after four to five days.
Yes, I know how it will come... Vaidehi ji said sarcastically.
Leave it now Why are you waiting The more you expect unnecessarily, the more you will be worried.
"I am also a mother"
While saying this, Vaidehi ji started crying bitterly. But this time Somesh ji did not make her silent but took her hand in his and let her cry silently. This has happened every time since Vansh got married.
Vansh was the only son of Somesh ji and Vaidehi ji. He was born seven years after the full marriage, so he was also a darling. His parents paid very good attention to his education. Educated and made him an engineer. Today he is working on a big position in a multinational company.
Vansh was well settled, so two years ago, after a lot of thought, he was married to Roma. There was a lot of desire that if the daughter-in-law comes home, then there will be brightness in the house for a few days. After that anyway he had to go with Vansh to his job place in Bangalore.
But Armaan all got dashed. After the marriage, she spent a few days roaming around and after returning from the honeymoon, she went to her parents' house and sat down saying that she was missing her mother. Yes, a day before Vansh was to leave for Bengaluru, Roma had come to her in-laws' house to pack her luggage. Even then he did not talk properly to Vaidehi ji. But everyone felt that she is still new. The atmosphere of the house is also new. That's why it is not able to mix. But this misunderstanding was also dispelled by Somesh ji and Vaidehi because whenever Roma used to come, she used to stay directly at her maternal house. And the in-laws used to come and meet her three to four hours before the day she had to leave. Earlier, still Vansh used to leave Roma and come to Someshji and Vaidehiji. But for the last four times, Vansh used to stay with Vaidehi at her maternal home.
When Somesh ji asked Vansh to stay with his mother for a few days, Vansh was disappointed and said, Papa, I want to stay, but what should I do? Roma doesn't like it. She says that I am a daughter so I have to take permission to go to my maternal home. It's good for you if you go and stay with your mother. Stay with my parents for sometime, so that their heart becomes happy. Now tell me father what should I do?
But son, where have we ever stopped him? And anyway, when did she stay with us?
Papa, you are right, but what to do? Even if I try to come a day or two before, she sits down with a pout. If I say something, she starts fighting again and then I remain silent for the peace of the house.
And this time also the same happened. Vansh and Roma have come to this city for the last three days but are staying at Roma's maternal home.
Every time Vaidehi ji used to pacify, but this time her condition could not be seen from Somesh ji. On the second day, Somesh ji left home after getting ready early in the morning and reached straight to Roma's maternal home. Everyone was surprised to see him coming home so early in the morning. Then Roma's father said...
Hey Samdhi ji, it's so early in the morning today. Let's sit, how did you come this morning, "Samdhi ji, just came to take your permission" Somesh ji also said with folded hands.
Everyone was surprised to hear his words and started looking at each other's faces.
We don't understand Samdhiji, what do you want to say" Roma's father was still puzzled.
What is that, Samadhi ji, earlier when daughters got married and went to their in-laws' house, their parents used to come to bring them back and would casually seek permission from their in-laws. Look Samadhi ji, we know that times have changed so we have no objection. We have also come to ask your permission to take our son. His mother also waits for him the whole year. But what to do, my son cannot speak, so if you and Roma ask, can I take my son home?”
Hey Samadhi ji, why are you saying this? The son and daughter-in-law are yours. You have full rights on them.
Really? I never felt it in the two years of marriage. On the contrary, it felt as if my son had also become a guest. Who comes an hour or two before departure from here and leaves after meeting us like guests." Then finally Roma's father looked at his wife and his daughter Roma. Both of them were standing silently with their eyes down, finally Roma's father said...
Sorry Samadhi ji, it is not your fault, it is our fault. We never paid attention to this. Got the daughter married but never saw how she is behaving in her in-laws' house.
Then he turned to Roma and said...
Go to Roma, pack your bags. You are going to your in-laws house today itself. And remember, just like your parents wait to see you, your husband's parents also wait to see him. If you come to meet here, at least maintain a balance at both the places and walk. And if you want to go to your in-laws house like a guest, then sorry, after today you will be welcomed at your maternal home like a guest. Remember, don't get a chance to complain.....!
Seeing her father's strict attitude, Roma did not dare to say anything. She went inside and packed her and Vansh's luggage and left for her in-laws house with Somesh ji. Here the door bell of the house rang and Vaidehi ji went and opened the door. She became happy seeing the son and daughter-in-law standing in front of her.... Hey you guys? Are you going today itself?"
Hearing Vaidehi ji's question, son and daughter-in-law felt embarrassed. But then Vansh hugged his mother and said, no mother, this time we will stay with you for a few days. Didn't feel like being there without you!
"Really? Wait wait, I just came."
Vaidehi ji hurriedly went to the Pooja house and brought the Pooja plate after performing the aarti for her son and daughter-in-law and brought her to the house. After some time Somesh ji also came to the house and was happy to see Vaidehi ji's happiness.
Where did you go in the morning? Look, the children have come home and now these people will stay here for a few days.
"Okay! This is a matter of great pleasure."
Saying this Somesh ji went to his room. But he never told his wife nor did he let his son and daughter-in-law tell that how did the son-daughter-in-law suddenly come home to stay? After all, he wanted to maintain a mother's faith.
Not necessarily to break something
be stoned
even by changing tone
A lot of things break!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


"Dad, I have prepared a bag for you and
Will apply after eating the second meal. If you want to keep something else, remind me." Siya said while serving food to her father-in-law.
"Yes son, there is no hurry, take it easy, do it tomorrow morning. You must be tired today, you go to sleep."
Jawahar had retired from the Electricity Department only three years back. After his retirement, every year he used to spend few months of summer in Haridwar with his wife.
Had bought a small house there so there was no problem of accommodation. When he lived in Haridwar, every day both husband and wife would walk half a kilometer, reach the ghat, bathe in the Ganges and return home on foot after visiting the temple. In the evening, sometimes he used to participate in bhajan kirtan and sometimes in the aarti of some temple. The rest of his life was devoted to the worship of God and at the feet of Ganga Maiya.
When they lived in their city, every day both husband and wife would go for a walk in the park and then return after visiting the temple. In the evening, when two or four friends of Jawahar ji would gather, there would be a discussion of religion and philosophy.
Son Akash also worked in the electrical department and Siya was taking care of the household chores with a maid. There was never any shortage of money, everything was going well.
Next day Jawahar ji had to leave for Haridwar at ten in the morning, so he went to sleep soon after having dinner. The wife also started collecting her small essentials and putting them in another bag.
"Siya..... Siya son! Look, I can't find my new glasses..." Mother-in-law called Siya.
Siya was talking to someone on the phone in her room. Akash had gone for a walk after having food.
Siya's mother-in-law went towards her room after shouting two or three times. Her throat was full. The phone was of a neighbor girl living in Siya's Pehr.
"What shall I do Uma, I cannot keep Dadi with me at my in-laws house." Siya was sharing her problems with Uma over the phone. "I don't know how my mother-in-law and father-in-law would feel, on the other hand my heart starts crying after hearing the pitiable condition of grandmother. What should I do, I don't understand anything."
Siya's mother had passed away in Siya's childhood. Now Siya's grandmother and father were the only ones in the house. The responsibility of bringing up Anuj and Kamal, two brothers older than Siya and Siya, fell on the grandmother. The trend of grandmother following her religious ideology has now moved towards motherless children. Raised all three with great love. Since Siya was the youngest, grandmother used to make her sleep near her. The name Siya was also given by Dadi.
As everyone was growing up, grandmother was getting weaker. Anuj and Kamal got married. Now the search for a groom for Siya has been started. Meanwhile, Siya's father also left the world. Grandma was broken by this shock. Siya's father and Jawaharji were familiar with each other. Jawahar ji went to Siya's house to condole after getting the information of his friend's death.
A son's friend is also like a son. So Siya's grandmother asked Jawahar to find a good family for Siya.
"Amma," said Jawaharji to Siya's grandmother, "if I take Siya home as my daughter.....?...My son Akash also works in the Electricity Department. He has a good salary and a secure job." If Siya goes to my house then our house will be bright.
Grandma didn't say anything, she just silently kept reading Jawahar ji's face.
"There is no hurry, after consulting daughter-in-law and children, tell them. I will wait."
“Whom to consult and whom to consult!” Said the grandmother with a sad heart. It seems that both the daughters-in-law are sitting ready to avoid trouble. Don't know what is written in my destiny, first the husband left me alone at a young age, then the daughter-in-law left and now the son also cheated. My life is drying up worrying about it. Still, I have to ask.
"Yes Amma, ok, I will come again soon" Jawahar came back to his house.
After a few days, Siya came to Jawaharji's house as Akash's wife.
But the condition of the grandmother, who spent her whole life in the upbringing of her children, turned from bad to worse. Anuj and Kamal no longer even go to Dadi's. The wives of both also do not talk directly. At the age of eighty, the body was reduced to a mere structure. Still, Dadi would complete her daily activities and worship with the help of a stick.
Grandmother's cot was taken to the verandah outside the house where the fan used to throw less air and more flames in the summer days, some daughter-in-law used to give food early in the morning and late in the evening and then no one came near to know her condition. Victim of insult and neglect, grandmother never told her mind to anyone.
Once Siya had a lot of argument with her sisters-in-law regarding her grandmother.
"Yes yes... We don't care at all, now you have come as a well-wisher. For the last two years you were the one coming to feed us, otherwise we were starving." Both the sisters-in-law sat on Siya. . " We also understand your hollow sympathy very well. Your eyes are on grandmother's land and bank account, why don't you tell directly. If you are really worried about Dadi, then why don't you take her with you..." Siya returned to her home in a huff with her mouth open. And today, after a month, Uma's phone call informed Siya about Dadi's deteriorating condition. Conscience became sad.
Hearing mother-in-law's voice, Siya wiped her tears and found glasses and gave them away. The expressions of sadness were clearly visible on the face.
The next morning, Jawahar ji got out of his car to go to Haridwar, and waving his hand over Siya's head, said, "Don't worry, we will be back soon."
Saying goodbye to his parents, Akash went to his office and Siya started doing her household chores.
Siya was surprised to hear the familiar sound of the car outside the house in the evening. The sound was like that of my car. When Siya came out and saw the tresses spread on her face backwards, she was shocked.
It was Jawaharji who was waiting for the gate to open.
"Father you... back....?. You then... Haridwar...? "
"Yes son, both of us have come back, now there is no need to go to Haridwar, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Kashi Mathura Vrindavan, I have brought all the pilgrimage places to your home. Forever " Jawahar ji opened the back door of the car and entered. Pointed towards
Grandmother was sitting with mother-in-law. Siya burst into tears on seeing this. He ran and took Dadi in his lap.
"If we go on pilgrimage leaving our elders in sad and pitiable condition..." Mother-in-law said consoling Siya, "..then what kind of pilgrimage and what kind of virtuous religion?"
"And what kind of Ganga bath? Now our home is our place of pilgrimage Siya." Jawahar ji took down the bag from the car and said, "And it is your responsibility to keep this place of pilgrimage sacred."
"Gods and Goddesses would not be living in temples, they would be living in homes only." Grandmother said to Siya in her broken voice and took Siya's support and entered the house.

Monday, August 28, 2023


only your voice gives you results.
There was a king. Went out for the forest vihar. Got thirsty on the way. I looked at the hut of a blind man. The pot full of water in it was visible from a distance. The king sent a soldier and asked him to bring a glass of water.
The soldier reached there and said - O blind man, give me a glass of water. The blind was stubborn. He immediately said - Come on, I am not afraid of soldiers like you. I will not give you water. The soldier returned disappointed.
After this the commander was sent to fetch water. The commander went near and said - Blind! Will get money, give water. The blind man stiffened again. He said, this Sardar of the first one is known.
Still, he puts pressure by making slanderous statements that water will not be available from here. Seeing the commander also returning empty-handed, the king himself started walking. After reaching near, he first greeted the old man and said - ' Throat is drying due to thirst. If you can give a glass of water, it will be a great blessing.
The blind man hospitably made him sit beside him and said-' Eminent people like you are respected like a king. Not only water, my body is also present in the reception. Let me know if there is any other service!
The king quenched his thirst with cool water and then asked in a polite voice - 'You are not able to see. Then how could he recognize those asking for water as soldiers, chieftains and kings?
The blind said -:-
By the behavior of speech, every person
The actual level is known.


A boy named Nandu lived with his poor parents in a small village. One day in the same village, two brothers were returning to their vill...