Sunday, September 3, 2023


What are we missing in life,
What are we getting, our illusion
There lived a very rich man in a village. People called him Seth Dhaniram. That Seth had abundant wealth due to which his relatives, relatives, brothers and sisters always surrounded him, they used to sing his tunes, Seth also helped all those people a lot.
Then suddenly, after some time, Seth fell ill with a terrible disease. Seth got many treatments for this terrible disease but it could not be cured. Ultimately Seth died.
Yamdoots came to take that Seth with them, as soon as Yamdoots started taking Seth away, Seth went a little distance and started praying to Yamdoots to give him some time, I will come back immediately.
The messengers gave him permission.
Seth returned, looked around and came back to the Yamdoots and said, let's go quickly. The Yamdoots were surprised to see him ready to go with them like this and asked Seth the reason for this.
Seth said in a disappointed tone - I had collected immense wealth by cheating, fed people a lot and also helped them a lot, I thought that they would never leave me. Now that I am leaving this world forever, they all have changed. Instead of being sad for me, they have already started planning to divide my property. No one has the slightest regret for me. Is .
Hearing Seth's words, Yamdoot said - In this world, every living being comes alone and goes alone. Whatever good or bad action a person does, he himself has to suffer the consequences of it. Every living being understands this truth but late.
Life Lesson: We are seeing this in our lives also. People have forgotten the truth of life and have fallen prey to the traps created by humans like greed, money, evil etc. The food you eat stays in your stomach for 4 hours, the clothes you wear stay in your stomach for 4 months.
But the knowledge you gain. He remains with you till your last breath. And it becomes a culture and passes on to your next generation. The seed of knowledge never goes waste. Let's make it as successful as we can, success comes only by making it successful.
Look, listen and understand every person in a positive way. The more we read, listen, understand, the more we realize our shortcomings. And by removing this deficiency, we keep moving towards the destination of success.
what did you bring
Who will take what?
do something like this
That people remember you.

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