Friday, August 18, 2023


There was a woman. He used to get angry on every thing. The whole family was troubled by this habit of his. Because of that there used to be an atmosphere of discord in the family. One day a monk came to that woman's door. The woman told her problem to the monk. He said, “Maharaj! I get angry very quickly. I can't control my anger even if I want to. Tell me some solution. The monk took out a bottle of medicine from his bag and gave it to him and told him that whenever he gets angry. Put four drops of this medicine on your tongue. The medicine has to be kept in the mouth for 10 minutes.
Do not open your mouth for 10 minutes, otherwise the medicine will not work. The woman started using the medicine as told by the monk. Within seven days, he got rid of the habit of getting angry. After seven days, when that monk again came to his door, the woman fell at his feet. He said, “Maharaj! Your medicine made my anger disappear. Now I do not get angry and there is an atmosphere of peace in my family. Then Sadhu Maharaj told him that it was not a medicine. There was only water in that bottle.
Anger can be treated only by keeping silent. Because an angry person speaks directly in reverse. Due to which the dispute increases. That's why the only cure for anger is silence.


afternoon evening
There was a kind devotee of Lord Shri Krishna in Rajasthan, whose name was Ramesh Chandra. He had a medicine shop. A small picture of Lord Shri Krishna was placed in a corner of his shop. When he opened the shop, after cleaning, he used to clean the picture of God daily by washing his hands and showing incense etc. with great devotion. He also had a son Rakesh, who used to sit with him at the shop after completing his studies. He also used to see his father doing all this and since he was an educated young man of the new age, he used to explain to his father that God etc. is nothing, it is all an illusion of the mind.
The scriptures say that the sun revolves around the universe on its chariot while science has proved that the earth revolves around the sun, thus everyday science gives new examples to tell that there is no God!!
The father looked at him with affection and kept smiling. He did not want to argue on this subject.
Time passed and the father became old. Maybe they knew that now their end time is near...
So one day he said to his son, "Son, whether you believe in God or not, it is enough for me that you are a hardworking, kind and honest person. But will you take my word for it?"
The son said, "Say it father, I will definitely agree."
The father said, "Son, after my departure, one, you must clean this picture of God everyday in the shop and second, if you ever get into any trouble, tell your problem to Shri Krishna with folded hands. Just accept what I say." The son filled the acceptance.
Father passed away after a few days, time kept passing...
One day it was raining very heavily. Rakesh sat in the shop all day and the subscription also decreased. The lightning from above was also very disturbing. Then all of a sudden a boy got wet and came quickly and said, "Brother, I need this medicine. My mother is very ill. The doctor said that if she is given four spoons of this medicine immediately, only then the mother will be able to survive, do you have this medicine?"
Rakesh saw the paper and immediately said, "Yes it is." The boy was very happy... and after a short transaction went away with the medicine.
But what is this!!! As soon as Rakesh looked at the counter, shortly after the boy left, he was in a bad condition because just a short while ago, a customer had returned a vial of rat poison. Due to the absence of light, Rakesh kept the bottle on the counter, promising that he would put it back at the right place when the light came on. But the boy who came to take the medicine, instead of his bottle, he took medicine to kill rats and the boy was not even educated!!!
"Oh God!" Unintentionally came out of Rakesh's mouth, "It has become a disaster!!" Then he remembered his father's words and immediately folded his hands in front of Lord Krishna's picture and started praying with a sad heart, "O Lord! Father always used to say that you are. If you really are, today this untoward incident could have been avoided." Take it. Don't let a mother drink poison from her son, Lord don't let it!!!"
"Brother!" That's why a voice came from behind...
"Brother, I slipped because of the mud, the bottle of medicine also broke! Please give me another bottle...." Rakesh's eyes welled up with tears after seeing the picture full of God's adorable smile!!!
Today a belief had awakened within him that there is someone who is running the universe, whom some call God, some call God, some call omnipresence and some call God! A prayer made from a heart full of love and devotion never goes unheard.

Sunday, August 13, 2023


A very sensible and cultured woman lived in a village... Once she was going somewhere early in the morning with her son, then a mad woman came in the way of both the mother and son and the boy's mother felt very bad. She started saying well.
This mad woman said many abusive words to the boy's mother but still the words of that woman had no effect on the mother and she went ahead smiling.
When that mad woman saw that her words were not having any effect on this woman, she became even more angry and thought that I speak worse. Now that mad woman started saying good and bad things about that boy's mother, her husband and family. The boy's mother still kept moving forward without saying anything.
Even after saying good and bad for a long time, when there was no response from the front, the mad woman tiredly moved out of the way of the boy's mother and went on another way.
As soon as that woman left, the son asked his mother that mother, that woman said so bad things to you, said bad things to father and other people of the house, why did you not respond to the words of that wicked person? That woman kept on saying whatever came to mind and you kept on smiling, didn't you get hurt at all by her words?
At that time the mother did not give any answer to the son and asked him to go home quietly. When both of them reached inside their house, the mother said that you sit here, I will come.
After some time the mother brought some dirty clothes from her room and said to the son that take these, you take off your clothes and wear these clothes. On this the son said that these clothes are getting very dirty and a strong foul smell emanates from them. Has been As soon as the son took those dirty clothes in his hand, he threw them away.
Now the mother explained to the son that when someone quarrels with you unnecessarily and says bad things to you, then should you let his dirty words affect your clean mind? Damage ?
We should not spoil our mind by keeping dirty words thrown by someone in our mind, nor should we waste our time reacting to such things. Just like you cannot wear these dirty clothes instead of your clean clothes, in the same way how could I keep the dirty words thrown by that woman in my clean mind? This was the reason why I didn't mind his words.


A young martial artist has been selected to earn a black belt after years of hard work. This belt was to be given by Master Bablu in a ceremony. On the day of the ceremony, the young man came in front of Master Bablu to receive the black-belt.
“Before giving the belt, you have to take one more test,” said Master Bablu.
"I am ready," said the young man; He felt that maybe he would have to compete with someone.
But something else was going on in Master Bablu's mind. He asked, “You must answer this question: What does it really mean to earn a black belt?”
"End of my journey," said the young man. "Reward for my hard work.
Master Bablu was not satisfied with this answer and said; You haven't qualified for black belt yet, come back after a year
A year later, the young man once again reached to get the black belt, Master Bablu again asked the same question, "What is the real meaning of achieving a black belt?"
"It marks the greatest achievement in this art," said the young man.
Master Bablu was not satisfied and waited for some time that he should say something else but the young man remained calm.
"You haven't earned the belt yet, come back next year." , And saying this, Master Bablu sent the young man back.
After a year again that young man was standing alone in front of Bablu, Master Bablu again asked the same question,
"What does it really mean to earn a black belt?"
“Black Belt is the beginning of a never-ending journey that takes discipline, hard work, and the yearning to always touch the best standards.” The young man replied with full confidence.
Master Bablu was pleased to hear the answer and said, “Exactly. Now you have become worthy of getting a black-belt, accept this honor and start your work. Education
Many times after achieving a big achievement, we become a little relaxed, maybe this is the reason why reaching the top is easier than staying at the top. We need to work even harder according to our achievements and maintain our respectable reputation.
Always be happy.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


A grain of a bird was stuck somewhere in the hollow of a tree. The bird requested the tree a lot to give it that grain, but the tree was not going to listen to that little bird...
Defeated, the bird went to the carpenter and requested him to cut down the tree, as it was not giving its seeds...
Well where was the carpenter going to cut the tree for a grain.. Then the bird went to the king and told the king to punish the carpenter because the carpenter is not cutting the tree and the tree is not giving the grain...
The king scolded that little bird and chased it away that where it has reached to him for a single grain. The bird was not going to give up...
She went to the mahout that next time when the king sits on the elephant's back, you should drop it, because the king does not punish the carpenter..the carpenter does not cut the tree. tax evaded...
The bird again went to the elephant and reiterated its request that the next time the mahout sits on your back, you drop him because he is not ready to drop the king...
The king is not ready to punish the carpenter…the carpenter is not ready to cut the tree…the tree is not ready to give food…the elephant is upset…he said, ‘O little bird…you are my friend for such a small thing’ How are you even thinking of toppling the mahout and the king?
The bird finally went to the ant and repeated the same request that you enter the trunk of the elephant. The ant said to the bird, "Go away from here... The bird, which had been in the posture of requesting till now to enter the elephant's trunk, took a fierce form... She said that "I may not be able to harm the tree, the carpenter, the king, the mahout, and the elephant.. But I can eat you by putting you in my beak...
The ant got scared...she ran to the elephant...the elephant ran to the mahout...the mahout asked the king to act like a bird, otherwise I will make you fall....the king immediately Called the carpenter and told him to cut the tree, otherwise I will punish him... The carpenter reached near the tree... On seeing the carpenter, the tree cried out that don't cut me. I will return the grain to the bird...!! got its grain from the tree and went happily to its nest.
You have to recognize your strength... You have to recognize that even though you may be like a small bird, but the links of strength must be passing through you somewhere... Every lion can get a quarter of a lion, provided you fight your way. Don't panic...
If you fall after some work, then that work will be done, believe me. For every strength there is another strength and in the end you are the strongest. Courage, dedication and determination are the foundation of our strength..!!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Grandma's health was bad for a long time...!!
Two nurses used to take care of him at home...!!
The doctors also raised their hands and said...!!
Whatever service you want to do, do it...!!
Medicines are not working now...!!!!
He had called the children in the house from the hostel...!!
Due to work, both husband and wife would have gone to work...!!
Both the children go to see their grandmother again and again...!!
When grandmother opened her eyes, the children hugged grandmother...!!
Dadi Papa says you cook very well...!!
We don't like hostel food......!!
Will you cook for us......??
The nurse scolded the kids and asked them to go out...!!
Suddenly grandmother got up and lashed out at the nurse...!!
You go from here...!!
Who has given the right to scold my children...!!
Beware if you tried to scold the children...!!
You do wonders...???
It was for you that we children were forbidden...!!
They come again and again to see you and disturb you...!! Doesn't even let you rest...!!
Hey, how much relief my eyes and heart get by looking at them, what do you know...??
Do this, I want to take a bath...!!
Take me to the bathroom...!!
The nurse was shocked and speechless...!!
Till yesterday the medicine was not working and today it has changed so much...??
Everything was incomprehensible like...!!
After bath grandma asked nurse to help in cooking...!!
At first the nurse refused, then after thinking something, she started helping...!!
When the food was prepared, the children were called and asked to eat in the kitchen itself...!!
Grandma We will eat sitting on the ground and that too with your hands...!!
Mother gives food on the table and never even feeds...!!
There was happiness on grandmother's face...!!
She sat near the children and started feeding them...!!
The children also gave morsels in the mouth of grandmother...!!
Tears started flowing from grandmother's eyes...!!
Grandma why are you crying...?? does it hurt...??
I will press your feet...??
Oh no, these are tears just remembering your father
He also used to eat like this from my hands...!!
But now such a ghost of success has come that he doesn't even have time to eat...!!
Nor the time to meet mother...!!
Grandma you get well, both of us will eat food from your own hands...!!
And who will go to study...???
Will your mother let you stay...??
Grandmother, now we will not go, we will stay here and study...!!
Grandma hugged the children...!!
The nurse had never read this treatment in her life...!!
It was a unique medicine to live together with loved ones...!!
Grandma said to the nurse :--
How do today's doctors and nurses know that how the people of India lived healthy for 100 years...??
Small village No facility...!!
Cow in every house...!!
Farm work...!!
Bringing water from the well...!!
Grinding spices and grinding grains...!!
Extraction of curd bilona butter...!!
Cooking food for at least 20 to 25 people in a house...!!
Washing clothes No mixie nor washing machine or cooker...!!
Still no disease in life...!!
No spectacles till the day of death and teeth are also safe...!!
All this happened only by getting the love of the family...!!
The nurse was surprised to hear this and grandmother recovered on the second day...!!


Once upon a time a king had no children, age was passing by...
Took a lot of efforts, showed it to many doctors, but the result was nothing.
The king started worrying as to who would take over the throne after me.
The king thought of a solution, got a new palace built inside the palace, got a formula of algebra written on its main gate...
And it was announced throughout the state that whoever solves this formula, after that this door will open.
He will be the master of this palace and the successor of the kingdom.
Now big mathematicians and scholars from all over the state started arriving but no one could solve that formula.
The worry of the king started increasing. After a few days, those who tried stopped coming.
The king got the drum beat in the nearby states also, the temptation was good, many people started coming, but the formula was not solved by anyone.
Gradually people came less, one day only two people arrived, one of them was a mathematician and an ordinary young man,
Seeing the dilapidated clothes of the young man, the gatekeepers got angry and started driving him away - "You won't be able to, go."
When the king saw the young man was stopped, the king said, "First the young man should be given an opportunity."
The young man said that first give a chance to a learned person only, if he cannot do it then he will try.
The king said okay, you take the seat.
That mathematician kept trying till evening but nothing happened.
Now the young man was called, the young man went and pushed the door with his hand, the door opened.
The palace resounded with the sound of clapping.
The king asked, "How did you do it?"
The young man said that when the learned men were struggling the whole day, then I thought that it may also be that it is not an algebraic formula at all.
And it must have been written on the door to test intelligence."
Many times in life we all struggle with some problem while it is not a problem at all...!!


A boy named Nandu lived with his poor parents in a small village. One day in the same village, two brothers were returning to their vill...